MovieChat Forums > Rampage (2010) Discussion > Wow. lets you know how dangerous an unar...

Wow. lets you know how dangerous an unarmed populace is...

he was free to reign terror... this wouldn't happen in texas or arizona.


Bullsh*t. Doesn't matter if people are armed or not. This guy obviously took the time to plan out his attack. If someone goes through that amount of planning, I highly doubt some idiot waving a gun around thinking he's going to stop him will be successful. Sure, the person may have a bigger obstacle in Texas or Arizona, but if the person is from that area, they will most likely plan ahead for what they may face.



having a gun gives you a fighting chance of survival. not having one. well you better be a good runner or master at hide n seek. emphasis on the hiding part. Oklahoma has very good gun laws. Hence why timothy mcveigh had to use explosives. he wouldn't be able to mow people down with a couple machine guns over there.

I'd rather die opposing some mad man than how those women died cowering in a corner in the salon. But what could they do? unarmed peasants. fish in a barrel. Not having a gun vs someone with a gun. How do you win? and no a rocket launcher doesn't count. Enlighten me. (and if you say some bs like ban all guns i will strangle you, there are over 200 million guns in the u.s. you're not putting the genie back in the bottle or the toothpaste back in the tube they are here to stay) also if i wanted an illegal weapon i can get one with ease in downtown l.a. just need the greenbacks. so that's a big fail. same reason why heroin is illegal. ppl still find it readily available.


Did you say Arizona? My state? My hometown where a gunman walked into a Safeway and shot up innocent people?

You might want stick with Texas on the examples

*Dont tell God how big your problems are. Tell your problems how big your God is!*


And Max makes good point. I'd rather die with a gun in my hand shooting back than cowering in a corner with no other options

*Dont tell God how big your problems are. Tell your problems how big your God is!*



I'll take my chances on a random, lone psychopath shooting everyone in a town over having to worry about going to eat or to the movies with a huge room full of trigger happy, gun toting people eager to "protect" themselves.

Honestly, I understand the temptation to view gun possession as the only way to defend oneself, but it's never really thought out well. There are stories everywhere about someone shooting a gun in the air at a party in celebration, only to cause a panic, leading others to pull their guns out and inevitably cause tragedies. Do you really want to be in a restaurant, in a classroom, or any other public space with the real possibility of this type of panic happening? Do you really want an 18 year old guy that you don't know sitting across from you at the food court, too much to drink, low intelligence, trying to impress his friends carrying a gun all the time??

I'd be happier if we worked on making it harder for nut jobs and immature gun freaks from being able to carry guns, not throw our hands up in defeat and hand one to everyone under the guise of "protection." That's cowardly.


There are stories everywhere about someone shooting a gun in the air at a party in celebration, only to cause a panic, leading others to pull their guns out and inevitably cause tragedies.

So since these stories are everywhere, you won't have a problem naming just one, right?


Um, ya, have never, ever heard of that happening. Sounds like that urban legend about firing your gun into the air and the bullet will come down and kill someone, also proven false on Mythbusters.
Pulling their gun out and shooting it into the air, this guys been watching too many old western movies, lol.


Sounds like that urban legend about firing your gun into the air and the bullet will come down and kill someone, also proven false on Mythbusters.

What? I never saw that episode, but I know for a fact(its simple math really) that a bullet falling at terminal velocity CAN and HAS killed people.

Oh look, I found the conclusion for that very episode;

In the case of a bullet fired at a precisely vertical angle (something extremely difficult for a human being to duplicate), the bullet would tumble, lose its spin, and fall at a much slower speed due to terminal velocity and is therefore rendered less than lethal on impact. However, if a bullet is fired upward at a non-vertical angle (a far more probable possibility), it will maintain its spin and will reach a high enough speed to be lethal on impact. Because of this potentiality, firing a gun into the air is illegal in most states, and even in the states that it is legal, it is not recommended by the police. Also the MythBusters were able to identify two people who had been injured by falling bullets, one of them fatally injured. To date, this is the only myth to receive all three ratings at the same time.

Let's keep our facts straight, or at the very least our citations.

Notable incidents
Middle East

April 6, 2014: A 20-year old pregnant mother of two, Wadia Baidawi, was struck in the head and killed by a stray bullet from her neighborā€™s wedding in Sidon, Lebanon.[14]
November 21, 2012: Following a cease-fire ending fighting with Israel, celebratory gunfire in the Gaza Strip killed a man and wounded three others.[15]
October 30, 2012: Twenty-three people were electrocuted after celebratory gunfire brought down a power cable during a wedding party in eastern Saudi Arabia.[16]
August 2012: A Kuwaiti bridegroom was killed when a friend of his accidentally shot him as he charged his gun to fire into the air in celebration.[17]
August 2010: 2 people were killed and 13 were injured in Jordan, as part of the yearly celebration of the announcement of the result of Tawjihi.[18]
July 29, 2007: At least four people were reported killed and 17 others wounded by celebratory gunfire in the capital city of Baghdad, Iraq, following the victory of the national football team in the AFC Asian Cup.[19][20] Celebratory gunfire occurred despite warnings issued by Iraqi security forces and the country's leading *beep* cleric, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, who forbade the gunfire with a religious fatwā.[21]
July 22, 2003: More than 20 people were reported killed in Iraq from celebratory gunfire following the deaths of Saddam Hussein's sons Uday and Qusay in 2003.[13]

United States

July 4, 2013: A 7-year old boy, Brendon Mackey, was struck in the top of his head and killed while walking with his father shortly before 9 p.m. amid a large crowd prior to the fireworks display over the Swift Creek Reservoir.[22]

July 4, 2012: A 34-year woman, Michelle Packard, was struck in the head and killed while watching the fireworks with her family. The police believe the shot could have come from a mile away.[23]

January 1, 2010: A four-year-old boy, Marquel Peters, was struck by a bullet and killed inside his church The Church of God of Prophecy in Decatur, GA. It is presumed the bullet may have penetrated the roof of the church around 12:20AM.[24]

December 28, 2005: A 23-year-old U.S. Army private on leave after basic training fired a 9mm pistol into the air in celebration with friends, according to police, and one of the bullets came through a fifth-floor apartment window in the New York City borough of Queens, striking a 28-year-old mother of two in the eye. Her husband found her lifeless body moments later. The shooter had been drinking the night before and turned himself in to police the next morning when he heard the news. He was charged with second-degree manslaughter and weapons-related crimes,[25][26] and was later found guilty and sentenced to four to 12 years in prison.[27]

June 14, 1999: Arizona, A fourteen year-old girl, Shannon Smith, was struck on the top of her head by a bullet and killed while in the backyard of her home.[28] This incident resulted in Arizona enacting "Shannon's Law" in 2000, that made the discharge of a firearm into the air illegal[29]

December 31, 1994: Amy Silberman, a tourist from Boston, was killed by a falling bullet from celebratory firing while walking on the Riverwalk in the French Quarter of New Orleans, Louisiana. The Police Department there has been striving to educate the public on the danger since then, frequently making arrests for firing into the air.[30]

South Asia

February 25, 2007: Five people were killed by stray bullets fired at a kite festival in Lahore, Pakistan, including a six-year-old schoolboy who was struck in the head near his home in the city's Mazang area.[31]
December 1859: An autopsy showed that a native servant in India, who suddenly fell dead for no apparent reason, was mortally wounded from a bullet fired from a distance too far for the shot to be heard. The falling bullet had sufficient energy to pass through the victim's shoulder, a rib, a lung, his heart and his diaphragm.[32]
June 6, 2013: a 42 year old Pakistani woman was hit by a stray bullet from celebratory gunfire. The gunfire was allegedly in celebration for the election of Pakistan's prime minister Newaz Sharif. Her 19 year old niece was also hit, and rushed to hospital in critical condition.[33]


January 1, 2005: A stray bullet hit a young girl during New Year celebrations in the central square of downtown Skopje, Macedonia. She died two days later. This incident led to the 2006 IANSA awareness campaign in that country.[2]

South America

December 25, 2012: A stray bullet killed a three-year-old girl in AsunciĆ³n, Paraguay.[34] ory-gunfire

For those hit by falling bullets, the chance of the wound being fatal was far higher than a typical shooting. The hospital put deaths from regular shootings between 2% and 6%, while for those struck by falling bullets the death rate was close to one third.

The reason was simple ā€“ those unlucky enough to be hit by falling shells were more likely to be struck on the head, and while the bullets were travelling slower after being shot into the sky, they were still capable of smashing skulls.

According to the doctors, a spent bullet falls back to Earth with a speed of between 90 and 180 metres per second. A bullet travelling at less than 60 metres per second can cause a fatal skull injury, they added.

On a side note, MythBusters really isn't a good source. They rarely follow the scientific method. Science should be about substance, not spectacle. Way too often they abandon the tests and just blow something up. Thats why I dont watch it anymore.


So since these stories are everywhere, you won't have a problem naming just one, right?

I can't find a single one. There are plenty of people who were killed by bullets fired into the air, but no stories of celebratory fire causing a panic, let alone one that escalated into a firefight.


The brother of a friend of mine was killed (shot to death) sitting in his car while on a hunting trip. He was carrying both a sidearm and had a hunting rifle next to him. Adam Lanza's mother owned an entire arsenal to protect herself and ended up with 4 bullets in her head from her own weapons.

There are about 10,000 gun homicides per year in the USA.

Just the 500-600 accidental gun deaths per year in the USA is about the same as the total gun homicides in Switzerland, Canada, Finland, Sweden, Spain, Germany, Israel, Australia, the UK and Japan combined.

The actual facts demonstrate how dangerous an armed population is.

Gabby Giffords was shot in Tucson, Arizona. There was an armed civilian nearby who nearly shot the person who disarmed the shooter.


Im from the uk, gun crime is rare here.


How insanely high is your other crime? Nevermind, we already know.

Fire Bat
Only a fool would deny God.


I'm from the uk also and yes while gun crime is rare , knife crime and drug related crimes are extremely high not to mention the gang beating that seem to always happen. So while there's not much gun crime there is crime every country has crime no place is untouched by violence!


You are wrong : higher rates of gun ownership do not GENERALLY correlate with higher rates of gun-related deaths, either accidental or intentional.

Check Switzerland, for instance, where 80% of the male population above 20 is armed, usually with the mandatory assault rifle provided by the Swiss army. Gun deaths are among the lowest in Europe, and just as importantly, violent crimes and interpersonal violence are also among the lowest in the world.

Other examples of high levels of gun ownership - associated or not with lax legal measures against carrying and concealed weapons - that do NOT correlate with higher overall crime, violence and deaths include Finland (a country where everyone is a hunter and where 10% of the male population can be considered a proficient sniper), Serbia, Uruguay (the 'peaceful pearl' of South America), and in the U.S, South Dakota, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana, all States known for their rather low crime-rates and very 'middle-america' lifestyles.

In short, I think you are willfully ignoring much more important factors (regarding violent deaths and gun violence) : wealth distribution, racial composition and ethnic heterogeneity, religious tensions, demographic structure and the 'young males problem', etc. Are you sure you are trying to be objective ? Or are you simply attempting to blame as much as possible on the guns themselves instead of considering what their owners do and why they do it ?

I am with the OP on this one : guns are an equalizer, they put a 200lb hardened criminal on par with a well-trained freshman, a rabid maniac on the same ground as a lone girl, a mob armed with sticks and swords on equal footing with a lone nerd. When everyone is armed violence becomes harder to resort to, and discussion is actually preferable for everyone in conflict resolution.

True, It will always remain impossible to easily deter a determined madman dedicated to his 'purification' mission ; just as it was always impossible to guard yourself against assassination : no matter who you are or what you do, if someone is truly determined to kill you, well, there's not much you can do to prevent it. The question is : what's the best system OVERALL and taking the statistics into account ?

I for sure love my guns, have never killed anyone, hope I never will, and would die protecting my right to stay in charge of my own safety and the safety of my friends and family. This is democracy for you in a nutshell : responsible enough to VOTE ? Well, then you're responsible enough to balance your right to self-defense and you inner primate urges to go *beep* and kill everyone who pisses you off.

Can't have one without the other.


Exactly! You can see what happened to the totally unarmed policemen! Let this be a warning to y'all!


Arizona has very good gun laws so Timothy McVeigh had to use explosives that killed 168 people?

I hope you never have to defend me in court.

"Look at banner Michael!"


whats funny is how people that don't want the population being armed yet they are super okay with government being armed. how many iraqi civilians were killed at the hands of u.s. weapons? yeah over a million. even with gun crimes in the u.s. it would take hundreds of years to have over a million killed with firearms. The boston bombers? no guns used. I think every american should have a gun. that's what makes us american. but you also have the freedom to not have a gun. Just don't go after my guns. i own 2 ar 15's 3 glocks and a shotgun. If anyone tried putting me and my family on a truck to a fema detention camp they will be met with resistance. Everyone thinks that could never happen here. They felt the same way in Nazi germany. Also in 1911 Turkey banned the guns for the citizens. two years later they killed over a million armenians. I'm half armenian so im biased. but never again!!!

When i ask someone who is anti gun that if my health should be my own responsibility....they agree. i shouldnt eat mcdonalds and sugary foods. So if my health is my own responsibility... and not that of the government. Shouldn't my safety be my own responsibility as well? that's independence. my finances should also be my own responsibility too correct? I shouldn't give up on life and live on government welfare. Which i could do. I have health issues. but i don't. i work.

Adam Lanza tried buying firearms legally and was denied. So he had to kill his mother, drag her body to her biometric safe. (which i dont like. someone can kill you and cut off your thumb to be able to get into your safe) and stole the guns. So it lets you know the gun control in place now works. It's just government doesn't want us armed because they want absolute power over us. If you want to be a victim or a slave by all means be anti gun. Theres a reason why the founders drafted the second amendment. It was very important to them and their freedom. it could have been the 8th amendment or 10th, etc....


Ah, we kinda live in a different world now... You seriously think the answer to gun massacres in America is more guns? Come live in Australia, we don't have this problem. We had a massacre, and we took away people's guns. Because people cant be trusted with them. Maybe you should stop thinking about YOUR safety and YOUR rights and think about the rest of society. You can't bring up Nazi Germany and Turkey 1911, we've come a long way from there. o-one's going to cart you off to a damn fema camp. You assume that just because people are in government they want to take away your freedom. They don't. Guns make your society more dangerous. You might think you're doing the right thing by your family being pro-gun, but you're certainly not doing the right by society. Loving guns doesn't make you American, it just makes you stupid. If Adam Lanza's mum didn't have guns then he coudn't have shot up that school. Not everyone is going to be as responsible as you... the only way to stop gun crime is to take away your guns. Sorry.


"Come live in Australia, we don't have this problem."

Mate, there is a shooting at least once a day in my state alone. Do a search on any Aussie news site. The gun buyback did nothing but take firearms away from honest people.


I think every american should have a gun. that's what makes us american.

Quotes like this are evidence of the degradation of society.

Kind of sad.


Yeah, because no people have ever been gunned down in Texas and Arizona...

Working in the movie business since -92



Wow. lets you know how dangerous an unarmed populace is... when all the cops in your town are morons *fixed

All cops are morons. *fixed 6



Funny how conservatives and pro-gun people keep interpreting anything as an excuse for needing more guns.

So you see dozens of people getting killed by guns (yes, by guns, not people) and your solution is more guns...? I can't even...

People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefsī²


Less people would die if this happened every month instead of every single dimwit owning a gun.
