MovieChat Forums > Rampage (2010) Discussion > Apparently no children live in Tendervil...

Apparently no children live in Tenderville?

soooo.... the characters motive to kill is "population control" or whatever,
yet there isn't a single child killed in this whole stupid movie?

ummmm...yaa, ok. Mission accomplished then I guess.

What a sensationalistic piece of moronic, phony crap this was.

*also Message to Uwe Boll - buy a frikkin tripod dude.


so are you saying the whole movie was ruined because Bill did not shoot kids?

Rob Zombie is one of the greatest directors today


im saying it shows how sensationalistic , shallow and phony it is.

because if the main character was genuinely concerned about population control then why waste bullets on adults?

the only reason kids were not shot in the film is simply because it would never get distributed.


if you watch Uwe Boll's 2007 movie "Seed" that had child deaths and obviously got distributed. for Rampage I have read an alternate ending had to be added or else the movie would not be seen in Germany. in the "happy ending" Bill is caught by police. I like the real ending because at times the bad guy does win

Rob Zombie is one of the greatest directors today


i will consider watching Seed, but only if a tripod was used.

however in reading the plot synopsis, i would suspect that any children in it are killed in stylistically horror movie type deaths, not realistic type of street executions and that ultimately is a fundamental difference in terms of MPAA ratings.

the curiously unrealistic fact remains that no children even appear in rampage.


Um, all the kids were in school. Why does everyone think they are so clever.
If you are trying to say that he should have killed kids, then you are
also not very smart. Adults are already messed up and deserve to die. Kids still have a chance to grow up to nice, polite members of society.


The kids were in school?

I don't remember that dramatic exposition in this turd fest movie, but I was probably to dizzy from all the asinine camera work.

Kids still have a chance to grow up nice? What?

Ummm...was not the reason the guy killed everybody population control?
That's what I believe he in fact stated. Sorry to burst your bubble, but unless you kill the future generation then you aint gonna stop population growth sparky.
Killing the adults who already breeded is therefore an exercise in futility.

Aside from the horrendous shaky cam, this movie sucked so badly because it had no logic to its dumb story. Only sensationalistic nonsense as I previously said.

If it was honest about population control then the guy would have went all Adam Lanza.



None of you can apparently answer my simple question and instead hide behind immature name calling and put downs. Good luck with that.


His goal was to rob a bank. The rest was just window dressing.
