MovieChat Forums > Rampage (2010) Discussion > This is why liberals need to ease up on ...

This is why liberals need to ease up on gun control

This movie shows perfectly why liberals in this country need to ease up on gun control. Criminals will always be able to get a hold of hand guns, shotguns, automatic weapons, etc. Civilians are the ones at risk, the every day law abiding citizens who have no means of self defense. Think if at least 1 out of every 5 of those people killed at a concealed carry permit or a gun on hand, dude wouldn't have made it very far. Obviously his "body armor" was very unrealistic or practical but it is a movie.


or rather if gun laws were tightened say to the extent of countries such as the UK something like this wouldn't have happened at all (obviously im talking about the movie here)

i think rather than give everyone a gun and say now it wont happenen, making it extremely difficult (Like it is in the UK) to get hold of even a rifle, this sort of thing would never be able to happen in US society.

having a gun wont all you to defend yourself, it will only give you ample oppurtunities to kill others.

most shootings in the US are committed by someone the victim knew or a family member, having a gun means when you argue with someone things can get out of control much easier.

admittedly all of this is idealistic and will never happen, Americans are too attached to their guns for anything to ever be done and unlike the UK there is no sea border around every state to stop guns getting into the country effectively.

i do however think you should have your guns if you want them but the idea that everyone should have a gun to make themselves safer is nonsense and an absolutely rediculous thing to say.

oh and as for the liberals easing up on gun control in the US, hell no they should increase their efforts seing as there is virtually no gun control other than not being able to openly carry weapons in certain areas. i dont feel there is a need for anyone in the US to own an assault rifle, surely you can see that an assault rifle would not be used for defence purposes, you banned em until 2004 and then didn't reinstate the law?

hand gun - okay self defence, i suppose
rifle - hunting
AK47 - ??????????? oh wait its our right to keep and bear arms isn't it? yeh but that would also give you as much of a right to own a rocket launcher, anti aircraft gun, tank or even your own missile if your simply talking about the 2nd

even though that was only meant to refer to a militia.

just my thoughts and opinions combined with a little knowledge, feel free to hate away, i wont respond because i dont have access to the email this is linked to ;)



There will never be any strict gun control laws where I live in the USA because too many liberal, moderate, center-left, center-right and conservatives will put up a firestorm of protests against any politicans who even consider restricting or banning hand guns or assault weaponry alltogether. In any case, implimenting handgun or assault rifle bans would be too little, too late for any of that to make a difference at this point.

Last year when President Obama was making a speach in Iowa about the restricting of firearm sales and other weapons, hundreds of protesters turned up with their hunting rifles, assault rifles, shotguns over their sholders, and handguns straped to their hips daring him to come and take their guns away. Obama quickly backed down.

Guns in America are here to stay and our society must adapt to them if they wish to go on living their lives and to stay alive any way they can.


Ya these things never happen in the UK, like the Dunblane massacre or the taxi-driver massacre...oh wait.

What has gun control accomplished? If this guy was shooting up on my street, (assuming I obey all the gun laws) I have to go unlock my gun safe, then unlock the trigger lock, then unlock the ammo box, before I am able to load and aim my hunting rifle at this guys mask and take his head off.


"having a gun wont all you to defend yourself, it will only give you ample oppurtunities to kill others." - tomjacob11

wow. WOW. Talk about ignorance right there. Common sense will tell you that gun ownership is not only a right, but a GREAT way to defend yourself.

Myth: Private guns are used to commit violent crimes

Fact: 90% of all violent crimes in the U.S. do not involve firearms of any type

Fact: Even in crimes where the offender possessed a gun during the commission of the crime, 83% did not use or threaten to use the gun.

Fact: Less than 1% of firearms will ever be used in the commission of a crime.

Fact: Two-thirds of the people who die each year from gunfire are criminals being shot by other criminals.

Fact: 94.4% of gun murders are gang related.

"Negative, I am a meat popsicle"


Damn, if these numbers are right, I`ll sleep a bit easier from today on. If they`re mainly just killing each other, let them do so :)




Yeah I don't really know why people make a big deal of gun control. I almost never see guns and I live in the deep South. The only time I worry about them is around gang neighborhoods. Otherwise, just don't be a dick to others and you shouldn't need to worry about anything.

It's a fun movie. His KDR is going to be so freaking beast when he dies.


sorry, man-with-incredibly-small-penis
it has been proven time and time again that corelation does not equal causation

Canada has a low crime rate not because everyone has a gun
it's because their country is not a cesspool like ours

"Shoot him again."
"What for??"
"His soul is still dancing."


Canada has a low crime rate not because everyone has a gun
it's because their country is not a cesspool like ours

Yet they could all have guns(MANY do). Norway has strict gun laws and isn't a cesspool, but it still happened there. Mexico is a cesspool and has strict guns laws, it still happens there...

So, it isn't gun laws or being a cesspool.

