MovieChat Forums > Rampage (2010) Discussion > 8/10 .. it was solid, but two glaring mi...

8/10 .. it was solid, but two glaring mishaps for me.

I thought the film was very good but there are two things that I can't get past. I deducted some points for each situation.


1. Evan had a cell-phone which he used to contact Bill at least two times, I think, during the shooting. Evan's dad seemed to care deeply about him as the film faded, so I highly doubt he wouldn't have contacted Evan during the incident. Even if Evan's dad had no idea about the incident, I'm sure someone would have since he clearly had reception. Even if no one contacted him, I'm sure he would have been on the internet on his phone especially with how bored he'd have been during the time he was waiting. And even if that didn't happen, there is absolutely no way he didn't hear the explosion of the police car which he likely would have made contact with someone about. (deducted 1.75 pts for this).

2. Making/posting the video two years later. I know Boll was just trying to throw us off of the real plot but it made very little sense. He simply wanted to get out, have lots of money, and start a new life. Got'cha. But then he posts a video about how he did it and it was population control - which obviously makes him a known suspect. Maybe he was sick of living by himself, maybe he'd spent all the money, maybe he was just looking for some fun a few years down the road. This isn't as big of deal for me (deducted .25pts for this), but still was a stretch.

There were a few other things I could have lived without, but overall it was a very good film.


[...] there are two things that I can't get passed.

Dude, you should change your diet.


Awesome way to keep the conversation going. Congratulations to you, we should all bow to your greatness.


Conversation? I'm sorry I interrupted you talking to yourself. You two should stop taking yourselves so seriously. Nice save with the edit, by the way.


LOL I thought it was funny Chill out

Also, Sometimes I read the bottom of posts and dont realize they're a Signature... Do you?


Guys, you are thinking too much about a movie that just looks thoughtful, but actually is nothing more that cheap (which is not bad) exploitation movie, made for pure fun.

I also gave it 8/10.

I see undead people...


You got it wrong, people. He post his statements 2 years after the rampage. Obviously he used this time to prepare his escape. Nothing wrong with this. It is like showing them the middle finger. They can't catch him.

I see undead people...



Many of your question regarding the ending can be answered in a sequel, but revealing his identity is not like surrendering. See Osama Bin Laden. Everybody knows how he looks and the entire world is searching for him. He even periodically send video greetings and still not in jail.

I see undead people...



There were a few other things I thought didn't gel well (at least in a rational world).

1. You would think that a complete dna scan would have been done on both the suit, weapons and anything else a suspect was in contact with. As deep as they can now go, I can't imagine something like a hair, etc didn't come off into the suit.

2. if I recall correctly, he let the coffee employee go? That's one major witness that can't be discounted (unless he never came forward).

3. Any major suspect would have had all his family and friends, etc run through complete scans, especially in such a major crime as that. Being such close friends, I'd imagine they would want to search his house or car as well, which would bring up matches with #1 above.

4. The chicken restaurant woman who was killed would have been very random. He would have been seen as making a special effort to drive to that location, entering just to kill one person and leave. They probably have quite a history of security camera info showing the two together (though he was the calm one in that situation, which may have been part of the plan)

Yeah, it's just a movie in the end.....



You forget that he burned his armor. Well, of course it can't be burned down to ashes, but it is enough to destroy the DNA, I think. Anyway he disappeared the same evening. There was no time for police to organize such investigation, especially country police, so most of your points are dropped. Actually, only the fact that he disappeared is enough for the police to suspect them. All that stuff with framing his friend was just to win some time to disappear and distract the police. It could be days until the police get serious evidence that his disappearance is related to the killings and not Even is the real killer. By the time he posted the video everybody knew that he is the killer. It is the same like with Bin Laden. I think that Uwe did it intentionally to look like the Bin Laden story, just to make it look more real and possible.

In real world is not possible to perform such actions and get away, so don't blame the movie. As I wrote in other thread - this movie is pure fun and there is no point looking at the details. It is smartly made, but still just guilty pleasure.

I think that Uwe played over and over this scenario in his head for years and finally decided to turn it into a movie, instead of a breaking news story. This guy is psychotic!

By the way, he made movie with the same name and similar theme in his pre-bashing years. Wonder if is any good?
I see undead people...


You forget that he burned his armor.

I know he burned his clothes, but didn't he place the armor on his friend? Otherwise the setup wouldn't really work.

As for dna, background checks and such. A normal case might be considered closed with this movies set-up. But something more sinister, ESPECIALLY the bombing of a police station, there would be extensive research and testing. In this day and age, and the constant threat of terrorism, every link and clue is scrutinized!


You are right, he burned his clothes, but DNA analysis of the armor would be done until the police has suspicion that Even is not the real killer. The disappearance of his friend is major sing that something is wrong.

Anyway, he disappeared the same day, so the police couldn't do anything.

I see no point discussing such stuff when it comes to absurd (which means not possible in the real world.) movie like Rampage.

I see undead people...



I think you're misunderstanding the ending.

Bill planned the whole thing to get away with it, but perhaps he being crazy could easily fit ain circle into a square in his mind, or just always planned to have some kind of manifesto, he is after all f~@!king crazy, no?

We can't try to rationalize why he would go out of his way to get away with something only to do what he did two years later, because he's not thinking the way you and I are.


yes, 8/10 is just right


Maybe he was planning to do even more mass murder with all that money he held onto.


He's not all that crazy, no. Rather, he's extremely apathetic.


I agree, I could've done without #2 and just left it as a sadistic vengeance against society rather than a warperd moral martyr saving the globe.

Nonetheless, though the movie implies that this was a kamikaze anti-authoritarian stunt and that the police would shut the case after discovering Evan's body, I did notice that the film makers were careful to include a shot where Bill was wearing some sort of underarmour type of skin suit like what athletes wear.

Now, I'm no scientist and the movie didn't really implicity identify if the under clothing was just nothing but an athletic "underarmour" type of skin wear or an actual specialized skin suit that will prevent one's DNA from transferring to the battle dress, who knows.


That's another part of story that was unbelievable. This guy had hair, he was in the suit for the whole day, there definitely would of been hair fibers left in the helmet.


Deleted Scene showed father calling evan and telling him about the rampage.

re: helmet, Bill was wearing a hood under the helmet, so his hair was covered.

Swing away, Merrill....Merrill, swing away...


I'm sure he would have been on the internet on his phone especially with how bored he'd have been during the time he was waiting.

Sad. The zombie apocalypse is now. You are a zombie.
