Two explosions

When he drives the van in the police station he detonates it and and there is an explosion killing the cops.
But why is there another explosion when he drives away?


Two possibilities: Primary explosives used to set off secondary explosives, or it was one bomb and the second explosion was from the gas pipes that might have been under the building.

It's quite possible I may never follow up with anything I post.


What? Are you kidding? Did you see what was in the van? As soon as those cops opened the doors, I thought one thing: Mushroom Cloud. So when he set it off, I was at first thinking, damn, I wonder if they will actually show what that bomb would do in real life. I'll be damned if it wasn't spot on. Even the guy jumped in his car and hauled ass, because he knew what was coming. In movies, bombs are either underdone, or overdone to me. If you remember the Oklahoma Bombing, with basically the same deal, a van parked in front of a building, but do remember there basically wasn't a building left. Well that was a fertilizer bomb. We what was in that van was enough to make a good size crater, and thats exactly what was portrayed in the movie. In fact most of the movie, except maybe not showing the kid reloading enough(but really, who wants to see 10 minutes of someone changing clips, so I usually forgive that stuff), everything in this movie was pretty realistic, and planned out, almost too well, lol, give some creep bad ideas.


If you remember the Oklahoma Bombing, with basically the same deal, a van parked in front of a building, but do remember there basically wasn't a building left. Well that was a fertilizer bomb.

That was with multiple high yield explosive charges strategically placed on support columns. They found undetonated devices. Fertilizer bombs do not have the psi to inflict the damage seen in OKC.

McVeigh was a patsy.
