MovieChat Forums > Rampage (2010) Discussion > The Real Flaw With this movie

The Real Flaw With this movie

And probably with everyones mindset in the world today We state that the world is over populated.

But things like, unmarried pregnancies and teen pregnancy have actually gone down since the 70s.

The main reason we are over populated is because we live longer, everyone worries about living longer.

70 years ago out life expectancy was around 50. Now we live an extra 30 years if not more.

Attention: you have just been hadoukened



the fact that he didn't kill the old people in the bingo hall.

The only sensible solution.
His take charge and kill civilians to bring more space is misguided. If anything go for the old people.

Attention: you have just been hadoukened


Old people will die off soon enough on their own-- population/birth control usually involves not having young or less of them.

If you care enough to go around telling people you don't care... you obviously care.


if you've seen the ending, you'll know he only cared about the money.
he had no morals and no real political beliefs.

p.s. this forum lacks clear seperation of ones signature


Overpopulation is not the problem. The problem is that EVERYONE wants a car, a frigde, a cellphone, a tv set, a computer and all the damn useless stuff that won't be available to everyone just because there is not enough energy and renewable materials on this planet to do it.
Capitalism is a failure as much as communism.

'What has been affirmed without proof can also be denied without proof.' (Euclid)


we are NOT over populated. i see the statement thrown around like it's an accepted fact but it's NOT. do any of you actually LIVE in america? i do. this country is fu<king huge. we have TONS of space for people to spread out and live. the idea that america is over populated is perpetrated by racist white american's that don't want any more minorities coming into the country. fact.



The problem is consumption though - the US for years has been one of the biggest consumers of resources per capita in the world and the developing world is now coming up to speed and wanting the same standard of living, which is going to be unsustainable on a planet already holding 7bn people. The amount of human suffering that has occurred throughout the years in this resource grab - wars, supporting oppressive yet oil rich dictators, and environmental destruction - have mostly happened away from the western world where the majority of the consumption took place.

The unwillingness to address environmental issues by the west while still using up the remaining resources is going to create extreme volatility in the world and violence will be used to sustain "our way of life" no matter how many other lives are wiped out in the process. Rather than consume less we simply continue, regardless of the inevitable consequences.


Most people here don't seem to know what the issue of overpopulation actually is.

Geographic size does not equate to sustainable living conditions. Just ask the fish....
