Honest Film

No matter what the majority thinks on this planet, the message before his rampage is correct. Our society is on the verge of collapse. If you don't believe it, you're ignorant. I have a 12 yr old son and feel bad he's inherited this mess of society. So many people living in their individual bubbles. 50 years from now. Wow, we're headed for some real tough times. Just look at the last 40 years. I could elaborate but it's just talk. Society is doomed


10 out of 10. You can't expect more of this type in the future. I promise. People will finally raise up and say enough is enough! It will happen. Prepare now!


You can*


You sure are right sir, but why did you have to bring another life in this *beep* world? just had to do it? do you regret it?
