
This movie seems a little stupid after the Dark Knight Rises shooting.

Always seemed stupid to me.

Attention: you have just been hadoukened


How do you mean stupid? How preposterous it is that one guy could cause that much damage/death without being killed or subdued? Or stupid like the movie is irresponsible? Just curious...


Stupid? More like foretelling. We have no idea (yet) if the Colorado shooter (Holmes) had ever seen this movie but what happen last night was eerily similar to this film. However, it won't be long before some blowhard talking head tries to connect Rampage with the shooting. In fact, I would bet one of Nancy Grace's producers is telling her about the movie right now.


Great, I came on here just to see if anyone has made a connection. Now that I see it has been made I'm worried this film will be blacklisted.

Then the inevitable blacklisting of first person shooter games and anything that has violence in it. Oh boy I can't wait.


I watched this movie to see if there was a connection to the shooting :o

after seeing the movie I was curious if someone thought of it as well so I came to this forum

p.s. this forum lacks clear seperation of ones signature


In communist countries like Germany this is already happening ( has been for decades ). When it comes to censorship, America is still doing well, but we don't know for how long. These crazy loonies wanting to ban everything are everywhere...


Germany communist?
You must be an US citizen for you share the same ignorance as most republicans there.

| Musa sapientum fixa sum |
