MovieChat Forums > Rampage (2010) Discussion > Unbelievable Character but Good Movie

Unbelievable Character but Good Movie

I found the movie to be pretty good and gotta give props to Mr. Boll. The acting wasn't bad, except for the parents. They seemed to kinda phoning it in, but then their indifference and emotional distance is a big part of what makes Bill the sick bastard he is.

What I didn't find realistic was how Bill could be so sick and yet so smart at the same time. As we've seen over and over, these mass killers commit suicide after their sprees. There is a self-destructive impulse going on here. Bill seems to actually enjoy himself and have a perfect criminal plan. I mean, he gets away without a scratch and pins the murders on his paintball buddy? Wow. And he throws in a well-executed bank heist? Damn, he's quite the criminal mastermind!

Not saying it makes the movie bad, just detracts from some of what Boll is trying to say (if he is trying to say anything) about violence in modern American society. I guess Boll means to leave us with a horror movie feel of "hey, this guy is still out there". Anyway, glad I streamed it on Netflix and I have a feeling this movie will get a cult following as people discover it.


I just watched it on netflix too, absolutely a hidden treasure. I haven't seen any of Uwe Boll's other movies but his reputation precedes him.

As far as what he was trying to say, I think Boll was just indulging in the homicidal fantasy of every wronged teenage/20 something male in history. Who hasn't imagined taking matters into their own hands and getting revenge on all those who have wronged them? I loved that the movie doesn't conclude with the politically correct suicide that labels the killer with "issues" and assumes every shooting rampage is blind rage.

People say what he does in the movie is extreme, which is certainly true. However, although they will deny it, most people have had fantasies much like this at one time or another. Maybe even WORSE than this.

The characters like his parents, the women in the salon, the guy in the coffee shop- they were meant to be over the top because that is how Bill sees them. Fake and unnecessary.

That's why I agree this may become a cult hit. For the same reason any Youtube video that has "suicide", "murder", or "accident" in the title has millions of views. People love violence, regardless of how shocked or disgusted they claim to be.

Its just human nature.
