How long??

Ok, I liked the movie....and perhaps Im showing my age...but while I thought nothing about movies like this in my 20's except they were entertaining, now, while enjoying it, I wonder if its all worth it. Is it? Is the thrills we get from a movie like this gonna be worth it when SOME WACKO decides to act out what he has just seen?? Sure, the movie isn't realistic so his killing spree won't be as wide spread or as deadly, but if people do die, is this movie worth it??

This movie is RIPE for some nobody with a warped mind to find his "glory"

Lastly, I MUST say I find the lead character MUCH less annoying than his big mouth best bud..........


I do believe there is some merit to your point, however we can't blame film, television or music for people's psychotic nature. We only have ourselves to blame for our actions. These entertainment mediums can plant the idea in our head, we choose to act upon it.

"I want everyone to remember why they need us!"


Dude shi+ like that has happened before this movie. The largest spree killing in a day is in the 50's. But keep ignoring the past.

TUB 4:20


Just like video games..if somebody is that messed up in the head to go through with this kind of thing, they're going to do something crazy regardless of seeing a movie or playing a video game. Even watching the news detailing the Columbine or Virginia Tech shooting would 'give them ideas'.

It all boils down to treating people with respect..especially in schools. No idea how we can cut down on bullying, but that's a big one & guarantee you the majority of school shooters were bullied. Sure you can blame it on the parents, but that's just dumb. I believe the parents when they say they had no idea their kid would do such a thing. As a parent, you can only do so much.
