Part 2??

Two scenarios for a sequel:

The Asian henchman/courier who "disappeared" at the end goes into business for himself becoming the new go-to product guy.

Or, even better, Noa has a taste for it now. Yes, she purged after trying it the first time. But she didn't have time to purge after the second time so she had the chance to fully take it in and "digest" everything. I can see her being the new go-to product gal. But she'll off men instead of women of course. It can be like triple duty. She's got a taste for the product. Plus she's getting back at men for being assholes. Plus she'll make good coin too. And, she can have the Asian henchman/courier be her assistant since he's still around somewhere and he knows the ropes.

And a prequel as well showing Steve and his wife's story. More Sebastian Stan?? Yes please!!


I don't think Noa would be capable of such brutality.
She only attacked to save her life.
