MovieChat Forums > Anne Boleyn (2021) Discussion > Will this wokery ever end?!

Will this wokery ever end?!

What a fucking pile of woke ticking boxes shite.

It's an insult.

I'm Deckard B27354, filed and monitored


No, it will not end.

There's a pretty apparent agenda at play, and until the old media infrastructures are torn down this will continue.


Oversight is a good thing,. It can help you gauge the timescape of something, or the (perceived) importance/hysteria around it. The 'themes' of such outrage will always change, decade-in, decade out (and sometimes reappear) but the public's acceptance/tolerance to something doesn't.

However 'important' we're constantly told that 'wokery' is.....It's already on the slide (and striving desperately for that 16th minute of attention)
The fact that the word 'woke' was coined by the woke, but is now (by-and large) seen as a derogatory term, is a sure indicator that this entire mindset is on the wane?
It"s cause isn't helped, by the fact that with every new day , it's very application and/or advocates of such, are exposed to be more and more hypocritical.
Once the term 'woke' was used as a badge of honour for those that wore it....Nowadays it's a word for derision (and even the woke rarely use it)

People have enough of their own problems (especially given the recent Pandemic) and have little time for correct pronouns or knee-taking antics (sure, there's always going to be sycophants) but human nature (regardless of how 'righteous' one must appear to be) is the one 'honest' truth, that will always 'out'.

Give this basic 'word-salad' type-wokery another year (tops) Sure, they'll always be subsections rallying for whatever injustice (perceived or otherwise) but the tide is definitely turning on all this hardline identity politics?

Truth be told, when all this garbage is over, the very same 'oversight' I mentioned will enable you to see that 'wokery' wasn't that big a 'thing' to start with (however, it's just a case of those with less to do in life, having more time to shout louder about a whole bunch of nothing)


Very well put Seagal72, I enjoyed reading that.

I'm Deckard B26354, filed and monitored.


Thank you very much
