MovieChat Forums > Anne Boleyn (2021) Discussion > Questions for those who support the cast...

Questions for those who support the casting of a black actress…

…in the role of a 16th century English queen.

If the TV show had characters wearing jeans, would you be OK with it?

If Anne Boleyn had nose piercings and her hair dyed bright green, would you be OK with it?

If cars or paved roads or power transmission lines appeared in the background, would you be OK with it?

If you answered “NO” to all those questions, then please explain why. If you think visuals are important in a period piece in terms of clothing, décor and props, why aren’t visuals important when it comes to the colour of the actors’ skin? Isn’t skin colour as much part of the looks of the character as clothing and hair style?

If Henry VIII were shown eating a Big Mac, wouldn’t that be jarring and take you out of the movie?

If Henry VIII were shown sending an e-mail to the Pope to get his marriage annulled, wouldn’t that be jarring and take you out of the movie?

How come seeing a black Queen of England in a TV show that is based on real history isn’t jarring and doesn’t take you out of the movie?


Yes, it’s SJW madness. Visual are important.

Anne Boleyn was white and Henry VIII was fat and gross, just like the actors who have portrayed him on screen for years to critical acclaim … Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Eric Bana, Damian Lewis, Ruairi O'Connor, etc.


Question for you in return - Do nose piercings, hair dye and cars have a history of being persecuted, ignored and under-represented? Your point is obtuse and your white fragility is showing.

Representation matters.


Talk about obtuse!

So because blacks were under-represented in the past they must now be OVER-represented in EVERY SINGLE movie and TV show, even when their presence creates a blatant anachronism?

Why does it not surprise me that people who can't reply with a cogent argument are so quick to pull the "you are racist" card?


this point makes no sense at all and changes nothing the OP said


It's the same dipshits who cast short little dark-haired shits in the roles of Henry VIII and Mary, Queen of Scots. They really seem to hate tall redheads.
