MovieChat Forums > Wednesday (2022) Discussion > So, the woke brigade are calling this "r...

So, the woke brigade are calling this "racist". Just like everything else in the known universe.

Don't cast a black person? White supremacy. Racism.
Cast a black person? "Tokenism", "Magical Negro". Racism.
Cast multiple black folks? Characters aren't virtuous enough. Racism.

Cast a Mexican/Puerto Rican in the lead role? Wrong kind of ethnic minority.

Basically, the tolerant left will stop harping for five seconds only if a cast has innumerable black people, playing highly virtuous characters, and ultimately winning awards over white people.


I often wonder how many people actually have a problem with these issues.

Is it just a handful of desperate idiots on social media using the big R card for attention and profit?

My question is I guess, would these few misguided bleatings about racism etc. in cases like this have any relevance if rational people just ignored them instead of making a big deal of them?


That's what I try to do. If you focused more on the story and characterizations over the constant complaints and need to force views on others no one would care. I don't care who's black, white, long as the characters look how they are supposed to look and do what they are supposed to do. I have more complaints about how the Addams's are characterized than I do which actor is what color. But if they complain about racism, it's hides the fact the show is a pretty weak show and keeps people talking about it in spite of its many flaws cause...racism! when they can't let a show speak for itself, that's when you see these claims come out.


So you have any actual names of people to go along with your "woke brigade"? Otherwise your claim just sounds stupid.


Look, I hate dudes like OP, they ruin the board. But he's right. Tim Burton is being accused of racism:


🤣🤣🤣 Yeah, OP's the one who looks stupid.


Okie dokie. Two links have been provided showing the cries of "racism" directed at Burton.
