MovieChat Forums > The Dark Knight Rises (2012) Discussion > One criticism I still don’t understand.....

One criticism I still don’t understand...

Is the idea that the reveal with Talia Al Ghul suddenly negates Bane’s impact as a villain. People keep saying that he’s reduced to being a glorified henchman because of that reveal, but I just don’t get it. Her backstory establishes that Bane saved her life when she was a child, and it’s apparent that Talia sees him as a genuine friend, rather than a simple lackey. Also, Bane doesn’t even listen to her when she asks him to let Batman live.


I think the whole thing seemed underwhelming. Talia's reveal wasn't so much a big surprise and push in the gut as "huh? what?"

And Bane being overcome wasn't so much "damn! good job batman!" as "yes... the obviously fragile mask.. arent you supposed to be the worlds greatest detective?".

The end should have ended with a pop but instead deflated like a sad balloon.


That’s fair if you don’t like it. I just don’t understand why people say that it reduces Bane to a lackey.

Out of curiosity, how would you have handled the movie?


not sure ill watch some "how it should have ended" videos on YouTube and come to a conclusion. like I said my reaction was just "umm okay.. meh.. so you didn't overcome or learn a new thing vs bane because you should have known to go for the obvious breathing apparatus to begin with"


It’s not a legit complaint, Bane was still just as impactful as he had been the entire film and the Talia twist was a good twist I did not see that coming at all especially after Marion Cottilard reassured us that she was not playing Talia al Ghul before the film was released. Talia is a very iconic character who was done properly by Christopher Nolan
