MovieChat Forums > Tomb Raider (2018) Discussion > Just saw Tomb Raider today

Just saw Tomb Raider today

I quite enjoyed it! Lara was smart cheeky, the plot was decent, and it was an exciting little adventure with a lead in to a franchise.

I feel like if this movie had a male lead 'critics' wouldn't be so hard on it. Or maybe it's the subconscious societal notion that a woman should be in the kitchen. It's an action blockbuster, your average man isn't going to be some james bond, neither is the average woman Lara Croft. Suspend disbelief like you would for a man and give it a go.


You must have been out of touch with critics if you think todays paid critics have a problem with a female lead. It almost seems you are trying to come up with a stupid sexist excuse if the film doesnt do well. It is based off a female lead game franchise that a lot of people like, if people don't like the movie its mainly going to be the overall quality of the movie and/or main actress are not great...not some subconscious desire women should be in the kitchen...

Right now its sitting at 74% on RT audience. 7.0 on imdb and the film is not being hammered with a lot of 1s and a 6.2 on metacritic and a B score on cinemascore. All indicators its an ok entertaining film but nothing fantastic or amazing.


Are you shitting me?

Critics today live for movies like this. It must be a pretty bad movie with a female lead to get negative reviews in today's world.

If you give a film, an action film especially, with a female or minority lead a negative review you will be cast as a sexist, racist, who is holding back the human race, and will probably be outcast from society.

The only issues you can talk about with a film like this is how many "barriers" are broken down, even though the same goddamn thing was made in 2001 with Angelina Jolie.

So spare me the "critics are sexist" bullshit. Movie critics today are SJW's above even critiquing the movie. They have to lecture us, just like everyone else in the world.


The best critic is yourself.


