MovieChat Forums > Tomb Raider (2018) Discussion > OMG This was terrible, just awful.

OMG This was terrible, just awful.

No one has any imagination any more and no one can tell a story any longer. There was no purpose to this film, no build up, no anticipation, no wonder created and no reason to believe there was any point to it. They treat the audience like complete dullard idiots. There is nothing clever or intelligent about any of this. Vikander and Dominic West can do some acting but every other character was cardboard and pointless. The villain was totally unconvincing, even the story sucked. They gave us no clues to how Lara was solving a couple of the puzzles. For example, When Lara walked into camp with the bow she could have easily put an arrow through Vogel and ended it. It was just all so utterly stupid. There was just nothing redeemable to this movie whatsoever. They just cannot tell story any longer. I find the creators of video games like Uncharted show so much more intelligence and creativity, but this rot is rubbish. Pure crap, sorry if I offended some of you sad younger geeks who didn't grow up in the time of story telling but that is my intention.


completely agree, but every film today is like that.


How about YOU make one that's better, but until then, just SHUT UP!


This argument always cracks me up. There's a toenail in my sandwich, guess I shouldn't say anything since i'm not a chef! Do you think they put out this movie NOT to make money and be judged or something? Can't have it both ways - they want your money but not your opinion on the film.


An interesting point, as it is odd that Lara didn't arrow Mathias when it was just them in the tent, she could have taken him out with stealth and then left before anyone realized a thing. Because of her inaction, she lost her father, when all of it could have been prevented. Oh well, that's movies today for you, suspension of disbelief required.

I guess the thing I didn't like was in the cave, how Lara's mountain climbing pick was able to find a notch to settle in, holding her entire weight, just before everything else goes over the crevasse. The ground is as loose as topsoil on a windy day, but nope, that pick finds its way into the ground at just the last second. Then they show Lara climbing back up, and you can tell the actor is standing on a hidden ledge.


Well at least it was better than the Jolie films. I thought it was pretty mediocre, worth a one time watch. 5,5/10


If you think this film was "terrible, just awful," then you should see more movies. There are far, far worse movies than this.

It seems to me that these days people say a film that is average is "terrible" because it didn't entertain them as much as they'd like. But that doesn't make the film terrible. That just makes it average. Or perhaps mediocre.

Tomb Raider is an average adventure film. It's nowhere near as good as genuine classics like The Mummy or the Indiana Jones series, but it's a competently made movie at the end of the day.

It's a 6/10.


Thanks for injecting some saliency into the conversation. Lots of people online seem to comment in hyperbolic absolutes, either praising a movie to high heaven or lambasting it as the worst of all time. I agree that people who do so are generally undereducated about films and rush to judgment based on their preconceived notions weighed against the final product. Good art teaches you to appreciate it, as the saying goes.

That being said, this is indeed a mediocre film - competently made but thoroughly lacking in genuine thrills. Not the worst video game movie ever made, not the best. Maybe on that scale it could be considered above average, actually.


Yeah, I agree with all of that.

Tomb Raider was actually one of my biggest disappointments of the year. I absolutely LOVE adventure films in the vein of Indiana Jones, The Mummy, National Treasure, etc and so I was really looking forward to this one, but it ended up being a pretty dull affair in my opinion. As much of a mess as the original Tomb Raider with Angelina Jolie was, I actually find that to be a more entertaining, more imaginative film.

With all that said though, it makes no sense to call this new Tomb Raider "terrible" or "awful" when there are so many other much, much worse films out there.

As we both mentioned, it's a competently made movie. But that's it. Competently made. It's certainly not exceptional or particularly interesting in any way.

People act like any movie that didn't put them on the edge of their seat is an abysmal failure though, and everyone involved was a no-talent hack who has the skills of a kindergartner.


I've seen thousands of movies, and average IS the best word to describe this: average-looking woman, under-average story, and dragging pace.

First question: why would anyone sell a precious token from their father just to get money, when all she had to do was sign some papers and be a super-rich heiress? Answer: A plot device from shitty writers so as to garner sympathy for a character in a movie- no other reason. Because with that much money she could definitely find out if her father's alive.

Second question: why let a pawn broker screw her over when all she has to do is go to another one? Answer: to gain even MORE sympathy for the character, and create tension for her

I'm thirty minutes in and I can't watch any more. It's just not worth the waste of time.

At least the Angelina Jolie movies had an attractive woman in the lead. This doesn't even offer that.



I struggle to understand why you would go see a video game adaptation if you're looking for story and purpose...


Dunno what to tell you, but every single time I walk into a movie based on a video game, I expect the exact feeling of story and purpose that I experienced while playing the game for the first time by myself in a room alone. Why would the movie be anything different?


Ah, well I've never really enjoyed a video game story... not even Shadow of the Colossus, one of the best and mkst atmospheric games ever made.

I do enjoy some as a premise, though. Like Metroid.


No's not all about movies know. The great writing is on television shows.


i concur. for high budget it was quite bad. in the grand scheme of all films i give it a 5. cuz your average movie is bad.
