MovieChat Forums > Tomb Raider (2018) Discussion > Meh... okay, but wouldn't be interested ...

Meh... okay, but wouldn't be interested in a sequel

Two things impressed me about this movie...

i. Alicia Vikander was in serious shape for this movie.

ii. The fight scenes were believable to the extent that they can be in a Hollywood flick. Similar to Atomic Blonde, the female lead character isn't smoothly taking down guys who outweigh her by thirty or forty pounds. She gets hit, gets knocked to the ground, gets bloody... It's only her fitness and combat training that keep her from getting completely pummeled.

Three things didn't impress me about this movie...

i. The direction was very pedestrian. Few of the action scenes generated much excitement... partly it was due to the excessive CGI during the many "see Lara jump" scenes. Say what you want about Tom Cruise and the MI movies, there is something about seeing a real person (even if a stunt double) doing their stunts in a real environment.

ii. The story was warmed over Indy stuff, what with all the goofy puzzles to solve. Obviously, that's a nod to its video game origins, but it was done to the point of distraction. Especially, that whole bit with the coloured glass rocks / falling floor...

iii. I've seen Vikander in several movies. I liked her in Ex Machina but she doesn't generate much excitement or energy... which is why she was good as a robot, I suppose. She reminds me of Kristen Stewart, another actress who was considered for this role. Capable and all, just not charismatic.

This movie was good for a watch but, as the jump off point for a franchise, I just don't see it.



I'm pretty sure Spielberg was blowing smoke with those comments and the media took the bait.

I've no problem with female led movies... I do have a problem with Hollywood insisting on re-casting characters as female, black, transgender, insert-your-flavour-of-the-month here just to show us how "forward thinking" they are.

If your story / concept is so weak that it's biggest selling feature is simply its tie-in to an established brand, then you should be replaced with someone more talented.


I was pretty underwhelmed. On the other hand, though I still think she's too small for an action heroine, I've come around to liking Vikander and would like to see a sequel if only to see her playing the iconic Croft with dual guns, etc. Of course, we all know it would just be based on one of the reboot games so I guess it's better the series stay dead.


This was an OK film not sure I want it on blu ray but give a 6 out of 10.
I may watch the next one if there is another.
also give the older 2 a 6 to.


It's pretty obvious that they're trying to set up sequels, and hope for a franchise.

This film was passable but not much more, did it make enough money to justify plans for a franchise?


It made money internationally, but last I heard Vikander wasn't going to come back though there was talk of a direct-to-dvd sequel.


That's interesting, it's not like she's churning out the hits or getting a lot of offers to be the star rather than the girlfriend character. If she doesn't want to come back, I wonder why.


I gave up after an hour. There was just nothing going on.

I mean, nothing! Prior to this viewing, I’d watched the finale of the series Nikita, and it was in every way more engaging and entertaining, made at a fraction of the budget, and it wasn’t really one of the very best episodes in the series.
