MovieChat Forums > Pam & Tommy (2022) Discussion > The talking penis scene

The talking penis scene

What the fuck was that? Like, a little raunchy humor is fine and all, but this scene was on a whole other level...and it just went on and fucking on. It waaaay overstayed its welcome and way overplayed whatever humor it thought it had.
I love dark humor, twisted humor, I fucking love me some edgy humor, but this?
It reminded me of the animated movie with the groceries, specifically the package of hot dogs and the buns...and how the "joke" was how much the hot dog wanted to be inside the bun. Which was a cute little 'heh' joke until it wore itself thin by having so much attention being paid to it. It was a dick joke, we got it, and then were forced to see it become some through-line of comedy throughout the beginning of the movie, and I'm sure my 11-year old self would have thought it was hilarious.

Seth Rogan seems like the most chill guy, someone you'd love to have a beer with, but his sense of humor seems...not just childish, but over-the-top crude. A completely unnecessary scene that drug out waaaaay too long and changed the tone of the show so drastically that we just turned it off, just noped right the fuck out of there. One of the very few "What the fuck is this??" moments I've had like that when watching an otherwise enjoyable story. So out of the blue and out of place.

Jesus that was stupid.


Weird and unfunny. Episode 2 was pretty crap overall compared to a decent first episode.


I don't know. I'm pretty sure that Sebastion Stan requires an extended shot of his penis in every movie.
I think its in his contract. Lol, I don't know if it was his actual penis, but ole boy does love to show it.

Honestly, I don't think it added it took away from the scene.
If it wanted to shock me it didn't.
