Only the Japanese...

Only the Japanese could make something so crazy yet so funny and creative! Maybe best known for it's "batsu" games, or in laymens terms punishment games. The first time I ever saw it was a clip of the No laughing high school on youtube. Around 2-3 years ago. Recently I came across what it was actually called "Gaki No Tsukai" hosted by "Downtown", the comedy duo (Matsumoto & Hamada), co-hosted by "Cocorico" another comedy duo (Endo & Tanaka) and solo comedian Yamasaki.

Probably one of the funniest most bizzare shows I have ever seen in my whole life. Never laughed so much yet felt uncomfortable in some of the batsu games eg. 24 hr tag. Sometimes it can go so far to the point where some of them appear are sadistic (more noticeably Hamada) but, for me, it doesn't cross the line and is nearly always counterbalanced with comedy relief from them. They have such great chemistry between them!

There are many more shows included in the Gaki No Tsukai series (including the famous silent library series) and with enough digging around you maybe able to find some and when you do it is well worth it. If you've never seen the show or stumbled across this page I urge you to try and watch it. There are laughs in everything and not one episode or show has disapointed.

It's a shame that it is not broadcast or marketed in the UK (or anywhere else I don't think) or more widely known around the world (aside from the batsu game clips on youtube). Saying this I don't think the US or UK could remake a great show like this (evident by the silent library remakes, which was painfully embarrassing) and only the Japanese could make something so crazy yet so funny and creative...

(Edit) This is the best resource for you if you want to watch them since it is really hard to find anywhere in different countries.
There is a lot of stuff with english subs as well and they have some great subbing teams as well!
Theres hundreds of hours of content for you all to immerse yourselves in!

