MovieChat Forums > Candy (2022) Discussion > Getting the feeling that the intent of t...

Getting the feeling that the intent of this series is to paint White suburbanites in a bad light.

Looks like a typical Millennial smear job about a time they do not personally recall. They can hit White, conservative heterosexual churchgoers all in one blow with this. It takes place in Texas, so that's a plus for their agenda as well.

I don't think in 2022 they'd ever be doing a show on The Weather Underground, or the Zebra Killings or the murders of Anthony Sowell, especially with quite as much zest as they show for Candy.


Why drag politics into everything?


Some people can't help themselves. He probably sees these issues everywhere he looks.


99% of American entertainment today is meant to push an agenda. If you don't see it, it only means you agree with what they are saying.


Any author/writer/creator has his own message. Doesn't mean it's always a political agenda. And 99%. Really? Pretty sure you pulled that one out of your own ass.


So, what else is new, WNWM?


Yeah. It's to be expected now.
