MovieChat Forums > The Whale (2022) Discussion > Hong Chau's character to blame?

Hong Chau's character to blame?

The nursing assistant is a lot to blame for his condition. She literally diagnoses him with congestive heart failure, but then turns around and gives him a 10-pound bucket of Kentucky Friend Chicken a few minutes later. She claims he's his "only friend" but turns around and gives him a foot-long meatball sub that he nearly chokes to death on. You'd think a good friend would slap the sandwich out of his hand and give him a spinach smoothie or some fruit.

Obviously, Brendan Fraser shouldn't be shoveling his face with awful food, but the can barely walk and would eat anything you gave him. Good opportunity to force him to eat healthy stuff. Was there any sort of argument about how she, and people like her, are part of the problem with how these morbidly obese people live? Nearly everyone on My 600lb Life has a guardian that supplies them with all the endless fast food and snacks they want. Hong Chau's character should've been helping him instead of feeding him. "Honesty" is a theme in the movie, but they never address how she is lying to him by feeding him whatever he wants.


How do you know it was kfc?


i love how that's the one detail you took away from my two paragraphs lol


Just being funny, holmes


From my experience of having to be the primary caregiver of loved one dying from congestive heart failure at hospice at home, I really don’t think it would matter what he ate at that point. In reality he probably wouldn’t want to eat anything. Someone with last stage congestive heart failure wouldn’t even be able to barely breath even with oxygen due to the fluid filling up the pleura spaces around the lungs and would need morphine to just fool their brain so they wouldn’t realize they were drowning.


She was definitely an enabler.
