MovieChat Forums > Cop Out (2010) Discussion > Tracey Morgan made this movie unwatchabl...

Tracey Morgan made this movie unwatchable

Tracey is just gross, disgusting, ugly and incredibly annoying.

The first time I tried watching this piece of garbage movie I quickly deleted it from my PVR because I just COULD NOT stand Tracey. I'd rather eat *beep* than watch him in this.

And I'm trying REALLY hard to stomach this movie right now as I'm writing this - but I don't think I'm desperate enough to put up with this junk.

Morgan is the last person I ever want to watch.

I'm giving up on this Kevin Smith fiasco now.



Sadly I agree.. He's a terrible comedy actor

Alot of movies and shows I hate him in...

Why the *beep* they replace that girl with him in Scare Tactics...


I'm halfway through this film right now, and I'm feeling the exact same way as you do. Morgan is an idiot and destroys this movie. I feel bad for Bruce Willis.


I'm with you, OP. This Morgan fella is about as funny as a turd on my kitchen table. Fifteen minutes into the flick I was ready to burn the DVD. His yelling and screaming is totally annoying. Come to think of it this Morgan fella has never made me laugh.

Sadly, this is the first time I ever trashed a Willis film. I love the guy. But this movie sucks balls.

Shame on Bruce for becoming involved with it!


I totally agree, he ruined this movie. It could have been WAY better if someone like Eddie Murphy was Bruce's partner.


Hes pretty good. Nothing special. But not unwatchable either.



Why do I get the feeling you're racist...? Hate Obama too? Anyway, I agree to some extent Tracy wasn't great in this and I felt like deleting the movie myself about 10 minutes into it. In Tracy's defense, he didn't write the lines or direct it. I love The Tracy Morgan Show and he's hilarious on SNL too. He'd probably be great in a straight-up comedic movie. He was miscast in this but I don't think he should get beat-up for it!


I have to agree. He was just annoying as hell.


Cop out is just a bad movie in general i know blaming the black guy seems cool to some people but lets be honest the director ruined this movie.


Why do people keep bringing his race into it? He's an annoying and rubbish actor, his ethnicity has nothing to do with it.
