MovieChat Forums > Cop Out (2010) Discussion > On a scale of 1-10 what would you rate t...

On a scale of 1-10 what would you rate this movie?

10 being the best.

I give it a 9.5
I don't know why soo many people are hating on this movie.. I really liked it & I found it hilarious.

Bonus Question: Who was the best part of this movie?
For me, definitely Seann William Scott.

"No mother, I can blow myself!" - Buster Bluth, Arrested Development.


I give it minus 1. Worst piece of sh i t, I've ever seen. Kevin Smith should never be allowed behind a camera again. Willis should be ashamed of himself. The only (remotely) worthwhile performance was given by Sean William Scott. AVOID at all costs.


id say ill give -1 for effort...WORST MOVIE OF THE DECADE!!!

Who's "Velocistar237"...? - Woody


If this is a -1 you are just way too picky to watch movies. No movie deserves that rating (not even The Room, Battlefield Earth, Freddy Got Fingered or Kazaam). How do you rate movies? What makes it a 10? Do you know about the numbers 2-9?

My personal scale goes:
1 - Worst movie I've seen
2 - Very bad
3 - Bad (ie. Clash of the Titans (2010))
4 - Boring (didn't give me anything, don't wanna see it again (ie. Ridley Scott's Robin Hood))
5 - Okay
6 - Good (I'd like to see it again)
7 - Very good
8 - Great
9 - Almost perfect
10 - My favorite movie

This was absolutely not the worst movie ever made, or even of the decade. It was at worst an average cop movie. Not Willis' or Smith's best, but still a good movie with humor. Tracy Morgan shouldn't blind you. Hell, if you ignore Jar Jar Binks Star Wars Episode I is a pretty good movie.

I simply have no idea why this movie is so hated. I've never heard anybody complain about it without focussing on the fact that Kevin Smith didn't write the script. Lighten up guys.

I give it a 6 - Good movie

My favorite parts were the Jason Lee scene, Seann William Scott, and the opening movie quote scene.

Stop thinking about it and enjoy the movie


I'd have to give it a three. S.W.Scott was very funny and I liked Scarface from Half Baked being in it; he was a great bad guy, but most of the rest of it was not only not funny, the story was so boring. So many scenes were just pointless blather. Tracy Morgan's character was not based in reality and thus the "humor" didn't work. I like buddy cop movies, and homages <<ha, ha... but this wasn't good and I wouldn't be able to sit through it again.

I could go 3.5 but no more.


5 or 6. pretty good soundtrack, likeable characters (although very familiar -Lethal Weapon, Beverley Hills Cop) Some of the jokes were poor and it was a little childish at times.

Overall 5.4/10.0 :) Worth a watch if your in a no brainer mood.


7 or 8

I liked it a lot. Rented it and saw it 4 times in the day i had it.


I'd give it a 6.

Sean William Scott did great, Bruce Willis didn't do anything wrong, he wasn't the best he could be, but wasn't bad either. As for Tracy Morgan, his acting wasn't an issue, it was probably Kevin Smiths fault for all the dumb *beep*


A 3. Some scenes and conversations were funny, but almost the entire movie was ruined by Tracy. Maybe some peeps in the USA consider him funny, but to everyone else in the world he's just an unfunny overacting black comedian. Jeez, what a twat. Any other person playing his role would have bumped this movie up to a 5.


I'm with got a 3/10 from me as well, it just...wasn't...FUNNY. A couple of "chuckles" outta me at most. Hate to say this, but Tracy Morgan was just dang ANNOYING in this flick & brought it down a few notches. Him & Willis had NO chemistry. A shame considering the talent in this production.


Sukiyaki Western Django: 6.5/10
Spiral '07: 6.5/10
Machete: 7/10


2/10 mainly due to the annoying black.


Yep, that is pretty much my opinion of the movie. A solid 3 as it is, not the worst movie EVA!!! but it was still pretty bad. SWS was probably the best by default as Willis looked bored through the whole thing and Tracy Morgan I can only tolerate in small doses on 30 Rock.

The music was good, but just like the movie it constantly reminded me of similar, better films.


I gave it a 3. The stereotypes are such a bore now.
I only laughed at the cussing kid.


OP your scale needs to go into the minus 10 scale to accurately rate this film. My rating? -5 out of 10


indica021: trying too hard to be original you are cliché.


wow ..i cant comprehend how someone would rate this movie above 4/10.

I personally give it a 2...maybe a 3 due to bruce willis himself.


Surprises the Hell out of me but I'm giving it a 6 - maybe edging towards a 6.5.

I liked it a lot more than I thought I would - I thought Morgan was good, much less annoying than Chris Tucker in the Rush Hour films. I liked Willis, I even liked Stiffler and I think that might be the first time I've ever liked him in a movie. It was nice to see Kevin Pollack in a movie again and I genuinely liked the 80's vibe.

For me it was refreshing to see a film that, while everyone calls it cliched, escewed some of the cliches.

For instance - it was nice to see a buddy cop film where they were partners and long established partners at the beginning. I can only think of a handful where that happens Bad Boys and Running Scared spring to mind.

I liked that the film was low key - no big Die Hard explosions etc.

I liked that the two other cops were not both thundering *beep*

It made me laugh quite a lot and yeah, I enjoyed it.


Great stuff all around


I even liked Stiffler and I think that might be the first time I've ever liked him in a movie
You mean Stifler, the character from the (first three) American Pie, or the actor? If you meant the actor, in which OTHER movies did you saw him? Southland Tales? The Promotion? Final Destination? The Rundown? ...


Probably 7,5 :) I loved it


Obviously I meant Sean William Scott as the character from American Pie isn't in this film.

I take it from your question that you think I haven't seen him on any OTHER films but I have in fact watched 'Dude Where's My Car?', 'Evolution', 'Welcome to the Jungle' (Rundown), 'Bulletproof Monk', 'The Dukes of Hazzard', 'Final Destination' and 'Mr Woodcock' and generally he doesn't really do it for me as an actor and I find him either bland or irritating.

Hope that answered your question.

Do you have a licence for this minkey




I gave it a 6.

I thought it was alright, nothing amazing and nothing that clever, but still somewhat entertaining.

Extremely predictable though.


I also gave it a 6 as it was a decent enough 80s throwback to keep me entertained. I should also mention I recently watched Corky Romano so the humor in this didn't seem nearly as ridiculous and annoying. Still gave CR a 5/10 because I gotta admit some of that stuff was pretty funny.
