MovieChat Forums > Cop Out (2010) Discussion > I actually walked out

I actually walked out

I've only ever walked out of three films before and that was about 4 years ago. A friend I was with also walked out and its his first time ever walking out of a film and he watches a minimum 2 films a week in cinema and we've also watched a bunch of crap films in cinema before. This film was lazy and unfunny. For a comedy there was whole 30 minutes without jokes. It was just really bad and stale and not even funny bad like other films. And I generally really like Kevin Smith films the first time round (they don't always shine on repeat viewings mind you but they are generally good and funny first time round) So all in all shockingly disappointing and bad

Banker: You can't go to south Africa?
Murtough: Why?
Banker: Because your black!


Well done, your the first person to ever post on an imdb board that you walked out on a film. We all care about the opinion of someone who didn't even watch the film.


Boo Hoo, someone didn't like your hero's film and posted about it on a message board. Kevin Smith's imdb pages are only for praise, right?


His not my hero, i just get sick of seeing people constantly making threads about films they walked out on. No one cares, *beep* off.


I saw the film from beginning to end. And I regretted it! It was so weak!


Well I generally dont post that often on forums so he's not really insulting me so I don't care. Was just voicing my totally 1 million percent more important than the president of the USAs opinion.

Banker: You can't go to south africa?
Murtough: Why?
Banker: Because your black!


Ok, troll we get you. Will ignore after this.


Do you think people care more about your opinion? Learn your damn homophones.


This is the only film i have ever walked out on, my friends and i couldn't stand it.


Yeah, you 'tard. Otherwise IMDB would not exist.

I haven't slept for ten days, because that would be too long


That doesn't make sense

Banker: You can't go to south africa?
Murtough: Why?
Banker: Because your black!


I weep for anybody who paid money to see this tripe. Thank god the DVD I watched was pirated from Japan or somewhere. This film may well be among the worst 5 movies Ive ever had the misfortune of watching in my 31 years of existence!

Tracy Morgan - NOT FUNNY. Hey look I can make potty mouth humor, monkeys giving each other bj's lol its funny!! not if you have an IQ higher than Brick Tamland.

Bruce Willis - must be desperate for money. Is Ashton living off BW's alimony or something? Is Demi sucking him dry?

Adrian Brody - not believable as a NYPD cop of any kind. Maybe he could pull off the role of Mall Cop (which happens to be the title of another movie in my bottom 5). Stick to the OC genre

Redundant Bits -
haha Tracy and the Teddy Bear never gets old!
How many days did she spend in the trunk? 2! I know this because she repeated it about 35 times.

Strike one win for justice and copyright law because for anybody who watches a pirated copy of CopOut - the joke is on them. What has been seen cannot be un-seen


I don't know if American Justice like to be turned into ridicule (assuming you are American).

I don't know if IMDb has your full coordinates.


adam brody,
not adrian brody, who's an oscar-winning actor


I hope you AT LEAST went to see something else after walking out...that's what I would've way my $9+ gets COMPLETELY wasted!

Sukiyaki Western Django: 6.5/10
Spiral '07: 6.5/10
Machete: 7/10


Really really bad music/sounds effects.


Whats with the 80s sound theme?
Whoever chose the music for this movie was high.


GREAT post, NCurran1987! I just wish I'd come here and read it before I rented this worse-than-stupid film.

Sometimes when I rent a film that isn't very good, I will at least be able to keep it playing as I work on something else, just listening to it in case it improves.

Cop Out is SO bad that it's not even good for background noise - I shut it off after about 15 minutes (maybe sooner.)

Your title, "I actually walked out", is a succinct, understandable caution to others not to waste their time.

Thank you for posting!


Thank you WatchCat. I just went on my IMDB profile there for the first time in ages and saw this lovely comment.

Banker: You can't go to South Africa?

Murtough: Why?

Banker: Because you're black!
