MovieChat Forums > Cop Out (2010) Discussion > Cop Out...what are its failings?

Cop Out...what are its failings?

I have a review (of sorts) at

It basically boils down to the observation that Tracy Morgan killed any chance for this movie to be enjoyable. Yes, it had a host of failings beyond Morgan, but he was so loud and obnoxious that he became the focus of my derision for the film.

There are issues with not focusing on any of the intertwining plots in any way that would involve the audience. There is the underuse of the supporting cast. There is the lack of ambition when it comes to setting up shots or conveying action. But all of these could be accepted if the two leads were fun and engaging. Willis largely underplays his role, trying to overcome some obvious problems with the script. Morgan, on the other hand, seems like an eight year child demanding the attention of adults who are trying to focus on anything more worthwhile.

Just my thoughts on the matter. For those who found other flaws, I would be curious as to read what they are. Love, like, dislike, or loathe Cop Out, I'm betting that there are some observations as to what went wrong in some parts.

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It could very well have been called "Dude Where's My Card?" it was so adolescent. I'm a big Tracy Morgan fan (I enjoy his minimalist Zen humor in 30 Rock) but he was only so-so in this film. Many scenes looked like outtakes and bloopers and seemed badly improvised. Bruce Willis looked like he was very uninterested (can you blame him?) and the Stiffler guy's character was just plain silly. The dealer and his gang tried hard to menace, but they came off cartoonish. I liked the various movie references but the plot was very pro-forma and the intentional humor was so slight that it didn't hit the mark, even the running joke about the baseball card. I usually rate a mediocre movie by whether or not it could hold my interest, but I was more involved with this one just to see where it would end up.


My issue is that for most of its' running time i felt completely out of touch with the main characters.

I did not have any investment in them, and really didn't care about their plight.

Jason Lee didn't seem like that bad a guy. I couldn't feel anything for Willis' character with regards
to his family because he seemed like a dead beat jerk.

The movie starts and we're just kind of thrown into the action, with very little investment in these 2 cops.

Kevin Pollak and Adam Brody were a much more appealing pairing.

Everything seemed forced/rushed.

"Tide's up. Time to stay alive...."
