MovieChat Forums > Cop Out (2010) Discussion > How Was Paul Hodges Even A Cop In The Fi...

How Was Paul Hodges Even A Cop In The First Place?

I'm sorry, with no explanation given in the movie AT ALL, that just went beyond willing suspension of disbelief as far as I was concerned. Tracy Morgan was still pretty damn funny though, the movie just didn't work because there's no way Paul Hodges would be permitted to be a police officer.




On what basis did you find it so unbelievable?

or maybe not, lol


Just, everything about the whole character. No friggin' way could that guy be able to be a cop, even in a comedy movie like this.


Ever see the Police Academy movies?

"A commitment to cinema means to lead a technically deviant lifestyle."


An aspect in the Police Academy movies was that they had 'dumbed down' the standards.
