MovieChat Forums > Cop Out (2010) Discussion > Wow... I have just lost a ton of respect...

Wow... I have just lost a ton of respect for Kevin Smith

Why did Kevin Smith have to do this film? I use to absolutely love his films, he use to have a great sense of humor, and heck even Zack and Miri was great. Still, there is no denying that this film is 100% trash. I mean sure Tracy Morgan really lowered the bar... a lot... with how hard he was trying to be funny with no effect. I mean the guy is like comedy kryptonite, he tries so hard that he sucks any funny moments that there could have been right out of the movie. Still, Kevin Smith did an awful job directing this film, most of the films music had me asking "WTF is the director trying to do?" It's like listening to a bad DJ, you don't know what they're doing yet you still want to give them a chance.

So basically, I was shocked the say the least when I found out who directed this piece of trash, so shocked that I have lost my respect for a director that I once respected.

Ooh, and Tracy Morgan really needs to stop acting. I don't think that I have ever laughed once at anything that guy has ever done.


he only directed though, all his other films he also wrote. I thought it was a fun hour and a half and really that's all I ask for in a comedy.

Can't keep me off this escalator!


I totally agree. Kevin Smith's previous movies were not great but very watchable and entertaining. This was just a waste of time and I regret watching it. NOT a good use of an hour and a half in my opinion. And yes, Tracy Morgan was terrible, I couldn't help but feel shame towards him, for I'm black too and his performance did nothing put PUSH to a new moronic level the black stereotype. Truly a disappointing film, the worst I've seen in a LONG time.


Clearly you can't be much of a Kevin Smith fan if one subpar film causes you to lose all respect. Nobody is perfect 100% of the time. Cop Out wasn't that great, but it still had some pretty funny moments. You also have to remember that Kevin Smith had zero hand in writing the movie; he just directed it.

"I will not succumb to temptation, unless she's cute."


It was a paycheck and a chance to work with Bruce Willis.



What chance would Kevin Smith have of landing Bruce Willis in one of his own flick. None, i'd say. So, given the chance to direct him, he didn't. Can't blame the guy, i would have done it. Sure the film aint great and Tracy Morgan is for the most part awful, but I was entertained and Sean William Scott was funny as.



That's probably it. Which is a shame for this has to be Kevin's Number One Stinker and this is coming from a BIG fan of Kevin Smith. Note to Kevin: PLEASE find your roots and stop thinking everything you touch turns to gold. I cringed watching this.Did everyone involved just need a paycheck?




what do you think he'd (Kevin Smith) rather forget:
Cop out or Jersey Girl?


I lost respect for him after seeing him live in Chicago. He was just so full of himself and all he wanted to talk about was how he was always high. After this movie, which I was looking forward to, I really don't want to see any other movie he makes, I'm so sick of him.

Dragonzord! Mastodon! Pterodactyl! Triceratops! Saber Toothed Tiger! Tyrannosaurus!


"I lost respect for him after seeing him live in Chicago. He was just so full of himself "

And that's not a new development. I remember when i was back in high school
when Mallrats had just come out.. I knew this chick who somehow had all these encounters with celebrities... Something about her cousin being friends with
Keith Primeau (a hockey player), who was good friends with Eric Lindros..

Anyways the long and the short of it is she somehow wound up at a group
dinner with Kevin Smith, and she said back then he was the most self-centered
*beep* she'd ever met.

Face it. He was a comicbook nerd of the highest order. You KNOW those
people are lacking in social skills.

Nobody rocks the cock like Krysta Now. And I mean nobody.


There's nothing wrong with being a nerd, I just don't like how forward he is about how full of himself he is. And the the proudness he has of being high all the time is ridiculous.

Dragonzord! Mastodon! Pterodactyl! Triceratops! Saber Toothed Tiger! Tyrannosaurus!


Listen to his podcasts, he's pretty self serving. I still like some of the stuff he does but some of his stuff is pretty bad. The interview DVDs he did were kind of sucky. He-s funny at times but his audience gives him too much leeway.



LOL you bought a ticket t watch him talk about himself and his life and you are upset that all he did was talk about himself?

What were you expecting exactly?


You really didn't read my posts at all did you? It had nothing to do with him talking about himself, it was how egotistical he was, how he thought it was so cool to be high all the time and the fact that he wasted a good 30 minutes of the incredibly short show trying to hook one audience member up with some other random audience member. I didn't pay money to see him do that, I want to hear anecdotes, which he did a little bit of but mostly it wasn't that at all.

Dragonzord! Mastodon! Pterodactyl! Triceratops! Saber Toothed Tiger! Tyrannosaurus!


Wow... Do you honestly believe that Kevin Smith, a director that you probably have never met, care whether or not you respect him?

Stop taking yourself so seriously.


Dude, the OP posted this for other people who like movies. I doubt that he intended to annoy any fans of Kevin Smith, or that he intended to seem arrogant.


I rented this blindly, not knowing much other then it was a buddy cop comedy starring Willis & Morgan...when I saw the 'Directed by..' when the movie ended, I was a bit in "awe" myself...1st thing that I said to myself was "naaaaaaa...seriously? THAT Kevin Smith?"

I guess the man needs to put food on the table & his independant stuff wasn't cutting it, so off he goes to make a mainstream studio movie...too bad it SUCKED as bad as it did...

gave it a 3/10!

Sukiyaki Western Django: 6.5/10
Spiral '07: 6.5/10
Machete: 7/10
