MovieChat Forums > Cop Out (2010) Discussion > Kevin Smith Hated Making 'Cop Out' Due t...

Kevin Smith Hated Making 'Cop Out' Due to Bruce Willis

Kevin Smith was recently on Marc Maron’s podcast where he discussed, among other things, Cop Out.

From the sound of it, working with Bruce Willis wasn’t the peach basket filled with ticklish kittens you might expect. In fact, to hear Smith tell it, it was a downright poop-covered porcupine bath.

SMITH: [on why he took a lower salary to make Cop Out than he did for Dogma] “I needed to see marketing from the inside for some sh_t I got comin up.”

MARON: “I might make an argument that marketing of Cop Out diminished your ticket sales. That billboard was everywhere, and I gotta be honest with you, Kevin, I looked at that billboard and thought, ‘I’ve already seen that movie.”"

SMITH: “Yeah, of course. There was nothing about that poster that screamed, “holy sh_t, this is gonna be original.” But to be fair, nothing about it was. The whole movie is an homage picture.

We just wanted to make an 80s cop movie. It had to look like something you had seen before. At least, that’s what I hoped they were thinking. Look, I know the real story. One guy wouldn’t even sit for a f__kin’ poster shoot.”

MARON: “You don’t want to mention names all of a sudden?”

SMITH: “Everyone knows who it is. Put it this way, remember the really funny guy in the movie? It ain’t him. He’s a f__king dream. Tracy Morgan, I would lay down in traffic for. Were it not for Tracy, I might’ve killed myself or someone else in the making of that movie.”

MARON: “Honestly, you were given the gift of not having to tell your dad that Bruce Willis was a d_ck.”

SMITH: “I wish he could’ve just communicated it to me from the afterlife. It was difficult. I’ve never been involved in a situation like that where, one component is not in the box at all. It was f__kin soul crushing.

I mean, a lot of people are gonna be like, ‘Oh, you’re just trying to blame the movie on him.’ No, but I had no f__king help from this dude whatsoever.”

MARON: “The sad part is, as a kid who grew up in New Jersey who loved Bruce Willis, and you get this big opportunity, and you get disappointed by your hero. And that’s probably something that you’re going to have to deal with again.”

SMITH: “No, but he changed everything for me though. Because now I’ll never meet anybody. That was it. I’d rather like people from a distance.” d-cck-puncher/kevin-smith-cop-out-willis


Me thinks Kevin is becoming a whiner baby. The movie blowed plain and simple. Everyone involved in it was only wanting a paycheck including him. Who would be proud of acting in it? I'd be unwilling to go the extra mile to promote this crap too. Mr Smith needs to do some growing up and stop whining in public before no one wants to act in his movies.



Kevin Smith has some nice stories, and i thought, seemingly nice things to say about Bruce on "Too Fat for 40"(?) a recent stand up q&a lecture like stand up show/performance. But i could sorta read between the lines, didn't know it was so difficult though, but hey, hopefully Kevin keeps making films, and maybe he does something else with Tracey Morgan, i really like his gestures, he's hilarious to me. I heard that Kevin is retiring, or doesn't want to make movies anymore? but he said he was done with Jay and Silent Bob after Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back, and then he did Clerks 2 which i think is great. I really like all his films except for Zack and Miri and now Cop Out, but those were ok enough, I have to see Zack and Miri again, though i was pretty put off by it for some reason. and Cop Out is ok, its just pretty typical, but it has some really good moments and i found it to be more interesting than a lot of other studio commercial comedy-actions.


I heard that Kevin is retiring, or doesn't want to make movies anymore?

Well that's what he said after every distributor in the business declined to release his latest film.

or maybe not, lol


As a director you have to earn the respect of your cast (or demand it).. Bruce Willis obviously had no respect for Kevin Smith as a director. Bruce Willis has no problem making blockbusters, Kevin Smith hasn't had a single blockbuster in his career, 'nuff said.

I can't blame Bruce for not wanting to promote an obvious dud, if anything that just lends him credibility.

or maybe not, lol


Why not listen to the actual interview with Maron?
