MovieChat Forums > Total Recall (2012) Discussion > 100 things I learnt from watching Total ...

100 things I learnt from watching Total Recall

1) Despite the only 2 regions that exist - Australia and England - most people will have American accents

2) It is possible to construct a tunnel through the hottest part of the earth even though the temperature is close to that of the sun's surface

3) even the though the core is about 1500 miles in diameter, made of metal and spins (causing the Earths magnetic field) a ship constructed of metal will have no problems passing though.

4) A 'crappy apartment' in the future is spacious, decked out with amazing technology and has a balcony overlooking the city.

5) Top secret agent females are smoking hot

6) Even though in the future there will be sophisticated intelligent police robots that are capable of talking, reasoning and performing complex tasks; they will still need hire humans to do simplistic and repetitive tasks in a factory.

7) It is somehow economically feasible to send underpaid, under educated factory workers to the other side of the planet in a highly advanced ship capable of travelling through the Earth's core on a daily basis.

8) The most secretive agent that no ones knows the identity of will have had his own apartment searched and everything wrapped in plastic.

9) Even though they know where he lives (see point 8) no one will think to monitor his apartment.

10) Rebel leaders hide in really clever places that have fully working tube trains

11) Even though there is incredibly advanced technology in the future, no one will think to build places to live except the rebels

12) Despite the rebel leaders hiding place can only being accessible via the underground tube and heavily guarded, the 'bad' guys will instantly arrive as soon as our hero is hooked up.

13) Rebel leaders bases have no security or early warning systems

14) Car travel is very similar to 'Minority Report'

15) Robots are apparently designed by the same architect that made the robots from from 'I Robot'

16) Even though the transport will be travelling at about 30,000 miles per hour its no problem to pop open the hatch and walk around outside

17) despite the deceleration required to stop from 30k mph, there will be no noticeable effect...even if you're on the outside having a fight


18) Although everyone seems to understand and speak English (see point 1), most signs in the "slum" area are Chinese or Russian.

19) High-tech police robots have their front shield buttoned to them so that a human can easily remove it, exposing the crucial circuitry. Yet it miraculously doesn't fall off when they're running or getting hit. This bug still isn't fixed in the second "black" generation.

20) The disguise collar has advanced holographic capabilities, but can't keep it's mouth shut when the wearer doesn't talk.

21) There's a classic cartridge fuse behind the lower touch screen of the cars.

22) And you can pull it with your bare hands without getting electrocuted.

23) Mind-manipulating machines are still prone to exploits, i.e. will automatically run code instead of just displaying it.


24) The huge, technologically-advanced transportation device capable of moving thousands of people from one side of the earth and back can be brought down with a couple of hand grenades
25) Although the Fall was considered to be a "Device of oppression" (according to the news reporter) nobody on the Colony side ever thought of sabotaging it before
26) Even though the world seems to be a symbiotic arrangement between two areas, with people constantly traveling from one area to the other, the leader of one believes that the way to combat overpopulation is to "conquer" the other
27) You can fight a robocop with your bare hands and somehow not be ripped apart in the first 5 seconds
28) A man can jump out of windows and land on a half-a-dozen hard surfaces after long falls and still be ok to run around


29) A car can detach from a highway in the sky, fall several hundred feet, and absorb nearly all that momentum within 10 feet of magnetic 'braking'.


30) Even if your movie is based on another movie from 1990, which itself was loosely based on a short story by Philip K Dick, you can still start yourself off with a logo for production company "Original Film" for some reason.


31) Dropping quickly from the crust toward the core doesn't reduce gravity, and rising quickly from the core to the crust doesn't increase gravity.


32) even though the building you work in has been half blown up, you carry on as if nothing has happened.


33) you are the leader of the only state existing and you have a colony --- you need to invade the colony


They wanted to go with "Plagiarized Film" but the name was taken.


33) Chancellors/dictators/rulers accompany soldiers on extremely dangerous Search and Destroy-missions into enemy territory.

34) Earth has no problem keeping it's orbit, after it's core has been penetrated.

35) Altough it's 2084 early 21st century guns are military standard issue.

The box... you opened it, we came.


As are 20th century shopping carts.


100 years in the future and people on the ground are still driving 100 year old cars in perfect condition- despite all the pollution.

100 years from now everybody still wears the exact same clothing fashions of today and hair cuts and and use current slang.

Future resistance fighters all wear - you guessed it slightly tattered Brown leather and corduroy standard resistance fighter uniforms taken from the central casting wardrobe dept as used for the past 50+ years in every post-modern film.

Swanky London looks pretty much like bottom of the barrel Australia. Hardly any difference between the two cites.

22nd century buildings are always upside down hanging from the sky with no reasonable means of support over long ruined older structures that look in far better condition.

The low life's living on the ground in London were better dressed and better off than the elite living above them. (air car crashing to earth scene).

Despite power shortages and heavy pollution everybody wastes energy in every way. Mostly on power guzzling neon bill-boards.

It is constantly raining clear rain but the streets are never clean.


36. As in every movie ever, the sure way to disable even the most advanced security system is to smash or shoot the door keypad.
