MovieChat Forums > IT (2017) Discussion > WHY DOES IT HATE? WHY IS IT SOOOOOOO MEA...


Some of the worst dialogue in TV/cinematic history.

What our some your favorite moments from the original? Most cringe worthy moments?



"What if it's a monster that knows your worst fear and takes the form of it to kill you?"

Just... Wat. He guessed it spot on


Funny thing is, that's something that is always used to describe the general modus operandi of Pennywise, but it's not even true. Just look at the encounters from the mini series:

Ben sees his dad
Bill sees a winking photo
Beverly blood in the drain
Eddie Pennywise
Mike a cartoon of Pennywise
Stan a mummy
Richie the wolfman

And it's also true of the novel. Eddie is the only one who this idea can really apply to.


Well, not necessarily, at least not in the novel.

Ben in the book sees the mummy. He was scared of the mummy from the movies.
Bill sees the photo of George, and that WAS scary to him because he thought deep down George's death was his fault.
Beverly? Got me. She heard the voices and then saw the blood. Not sure what that was about.
Eddie saw the leper.
Mike saw the giant bird, not knowing/remembering that he had been attacked in his crib by a crow.
Stan saw dead boy scouts.
Richie saw the teenage wolfman.

I agree that what it appears as doesn't always equal what a person would say they are most afraid of (otherwise, they'd see It as Henry Bowers all the time). But I do think It appears to them in some very primal, scary way that they may not understand themselves; like Mike and the bird, and maybe Bev and the blood in the sink.

Whores will have their trinkets.


Richie saw the teenage wolfman.

He also saw the Paul Bunyan statue come to life, but he convinced himself it was a dream.

I love trolls, they taste like chicken.


I always thought Beverly and the blood was some kind of representative symbolism of her sexuality, especially seeing as a large portion of her story revolves around her relationship her dad. I dunno, bloody pipes and holes... there must be something to read into that?


"You bet your fern."

Seriously, what the actual fück was up with that? "Bet your fur" was actually a saying, so why the hell would they change it to something so utterly nonsensical for the series? And on top of that, Ben recalling that they used to say it when they were kids is the only incidence of it in the series... you would think that with that setup you'd hear it at least a few times from them as kids, but not once.

By the way, that "why is it so mean" line really is one of the most cringe worthy pieces of dialogue ever. I actually felt bad for Annette O'Toole even having to say it... even Meryl Streep couldn't pull that off.

The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.


That's funny.I made a thread about the you bet your fern on the miniseries board a few months back after watching it when it was on Spike a few weeks back:

It really stands beyond reason why they would make that kind of mistake.



I always thought "bet your fur" meant something about pubes so they changed. I'm probably wrong but it at least makes a little sense.


As near as I can tell, "you bet your fur" is a reference to actual fur, like a fur coat - something expensive, that you wouldn't want to bet on if you weren't sure. So I dunno, I still don't get why they changed it.

The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.


"And they're never getting out"(looks at camera).


The forceful exposition is kind of heavy-handed at times.

MIKE: ...Maybe the biggest mystery is how 253 settlers disappeared...without a trace!

Still think it's a glorious tv movie.


It's Wormwood. The devil. Satan. It's pure hatred. Not a *beep* spider.


I forgive IT because it had scenes like this


Favorite: Mike and Bill playing with Silver like a couple of kids after they fix him.

Cringe worthy: Young Bill saying "Hi-yo Silver, away!" Just abysmally bad.

Whores will have their trinkets.


I knew exactly what scene it was before I even clicked.


Favorite moments: Pretty much all the Tim Curry stuff.
Most cringe-worthy: Eddie's death. I mean, the dude just fell down, and not even on his head. In the book, it made sense, he got his arm ripped off. But in the miniseries, he MAYBE would've broken his ankle, but that fall wouldn't have killed him. Also, the line you mentioned was pretty damn bad.


Good call on Eddies death. It was so poorly done. The spider IT basically just squeezes (and squeezes might be an overstatement, it was more likely a rough hug) him and then drops him what probably amounted to no more than a 10 foot fall and didn't land on his head or back hard enough to cause any significant damage.

So stupid. I understand they didn't want to show the dude's arm ripped on ABC Family TV or whatever station it aired on, but they are ways to go around that and imply it moreso than straight up show the stump and the blood, etc.

Really the entire 2nd half of the movie was so bad it was almost like a comedic horror spoof.

Sometimes when I'm bored and want to watch IT before bed I'll usually just watch the first half.



I also felt jipped during the big finale, not just because of Eddie's poor death, but because Bill, Ben and Richie got reduced to nothing upon seeing IT's deadlights. So, Bill says his famous line without stuttering (which may have had more of an impact if it'd been set up in the first half, but it wasn't. It was just typed out in the 2nd part and spoken that it's something he used to say as a kid. Cool, but losing it's punch.)

I totally get that they didn't have the time or money to go into the whole, IT is pregnant, IT laid Eggs, Ben is sent to crush them and such. And there wasn't any chance of the Turtle. But would it have killed them to maybe go into the psychic battle of Chüd for one brief scene? Maybe having the three of them standing there, and one last scene with Pennywise appearing to taunt them (seeing his floating transparent head in the sewer didn't do it for me.)

Instead, they all just stand there hypnotized and doing nothing, not until Bev finds the stone and shoots it. The scene of them ripping IT's heart out was cool, but would definitely have been cooler to actually SEE it happen, not just their shadows. That was the moment when I was like "this reeks of SAFE, MADE FOR TV." It'd be one thing to show IT's child victims, but to not even show a fake monster heart... Whatever lol

I still like the first half of the film for nostalgia purposes, and I love the music, but yeah, the 2nd half and especially the ending left us all hanging.

"Stay Bloody!" - Seth from Blood Puddle Reviews


In the miniseries: "Why is It so mean!" If it were in the upcoming R-rated films: "Why is so f##king mean!"

"That's it. It bit into his arm-pit. Like It wanted to eat him, man. Like It wanted to eat his heart."


My favourite line in the mini-series are with the adults in the sewer... Bev shouting to sobbing Bill: "Now we know what we came here for and were going to do it! But we need you Bill, we need you to stand up to us like before or none of us are going to get out of here! Come on!"

"That's it. It bit into his arm-pit. Like It wanted to eat him, man. Like It wanted to eat his heart."


It was a cheap mini series, hardly an "original"
