Adult cast??

Who do you think will play them?? Have they filmed the adult parts yet??

Lose the Game!!!!!!!


I don't think so. The second film is supposed to be the adults version. So I don't think they'll cast until the second film starts filming.


While it's known that the films are being done in a more linear presentation, rather than flashbacks like both the book and miniseries portrayed them, I do think there may be some cast that they're keeping tightly under wraps as a surprise for when the film debuts. I mean, as of yet there is no known cast member for Mrs. Kaspbrak (Eddie's mother) but it's also been revealed that there is a scene called "The Lovely Mrs. K" which for my money has to be Mrs. Kaspbrak, because aside from Mrs. Kersh (who wouldn't appear until part 2 when Beverly encounters her/IT as an adult) I can't think of any other "Mrs. K" the character would be. Also I do like that some things are being kept secretive. As well as many of us know the story, I would like for the movie to have some surprises up it's sleeve. There's always a chance that this film will at least end with a hint to the adult characters. We'll just have to wait and see!

"Stay Bloody!" - Seth from Blood Puddle Reviews


A cool ending to this movie to me would be after they make the blood oath, the screen goes black for a few seconds then says..."27 years later" and then we see an adult Mike maybe just from behind as he's putting down a phone book. He then dials a number and you barely audibly hear someone pick up on the other end. Mike then says, "Bill, It's back."


I was thinking the same thing! That would be such a cool way to set up the next film.

"Stay Bloody!" - Seth from Blood Puddle Reviews




Jeez man, who uses a phone book these days 😜

Seriously though, that would indeed be great way to end the first part

My father was a drunk, a gambler and a womanizer. I idolized him


True...maybe a Facebook message...


That's cool, I like that. Although I see it more as a post credit scene and see them go in that route.


I have a feeling we'll get the 27 year-jump, and see Adrian Mellon get killed, or Don Haggarty and the homophobes telling their story at the police station, with the scene ending with Haggarty and one of the others mentioning a's hopin


That would be a great way to start the 2nd movie for sure

"Stay Bloody!" - Seth from Blood Puddle Reviews


It's not a bad idea, but someone here (or elsewhere) made the good point that there might not be a sequel if the movie does poorly. So, if that were the case, you'd be left with a rather annoying cliffhanger.


I think they'll do a second one regardless, unless it over the top bad.
