
Coming any time soon?


January has been rumored for a teaser, though even that seems early. I wouldn't expect to see a trailer with actual footage soon.


I didn't even pay attention to the release date, never mind. Probably a ways off.


"Soon" according to Barbara Muschietti!

Books are a uniquely portable magic. ~Stephen King


Wait for real? Please tell me you're for real.


Wait for real? Please tell me you're for real.
Exactly what I was about to say... 😡

ELPHABA: Eleka Nahmen Nahmen Ah Tum Ah Tum Eleka Nahmen.


I've been waiting all summer for that ?


No she said it.


He not lying. She did. I saw the comment.


What'd she say? Just "soon"


Yup, just "soon". That's it


With Halloween approaching... Hm


I wonder if she means a full trailer or a teaser


I'd be happy with a quick teaser, and something more later on. We still have so long ago, I'd rather not get it all at once.

"Stay Bloody!" - Seth from Blood Puddle Reviews


Same here. I at least want to see Pennywise in action


Very exciting. Hope the teaser will come soon.

"That's it. It bit into his arm-pit. Like It wanted to eat him, man. Like It wanted to eat his heart."


I Highly believe she meant the teaser cuz that's what everyone in the comments was asking about. In fact this was the comment she replied:

naite22@barbaramus People ask: "Where is the trailer!?" I for one get why We haven't gotten one yet (even though, I my self, have asked when we'd see one). I know the movie is still almost a year away. When was the last time a horror film had a teaser-trailer out that early, right?.. Let me take a wild stab in the dark and say, N-e-v-e-r.. So how about it Barb :-) Shouldn't IT be the first ever for its genre to do just that? If there was ever one single horror film to make a statement shouldn't it be this one? :-) the Hobbit had a teaser out a year in advance. Did that really need such early PR? I doubt it.. So, why not give a horror film like IT a promotional piece a small year in advance? Howcome IT shouldn't earn the same respect? :-(

barbaramus@naite22 soon........




Really wasn't expecting anything so soon so this had got me very excited. There's no guarantee that we would see any pennywise action though. A teaser could just be a boat going down to the street.I'm ever hopeful though


I just want to hear him or see a quick glimpse. Maybe the boat followed with a "Hiya, Georgie!"

Just to see what Mr. Skarsgard is like as Pennywise.


It will probably be like "The Dark Knight" teaser where you will see an image, that shows off how amazing the cinematography is going to be in it, with voices about the legend of IT and the kids talking. Then at the end you will either see a very brief glimpse, eyes or shadowed face, of Pennywise along what he sounds like. It would be perfect to release on Monday. God, I can't wait for this think.


That would be perfect!

Don't get me wrong, I'm just as curious and eager to see footage from the film as much as anyone else, but I miss the days when trailers didn't throw the whole movie at you. (I especially hate how films like Amazing Spider-man 2 LITERALLY showcased the ending shot of the movie IN it's trailer. Come on, that's way too much!)

I like being teased, given a mere taste of things to come, something that leaves us wanting more and filled with anticipation.

"Stay Bloody!" - Seth from Blood Puddle Reviews


Keep an eye out!


I would be surprised if they didn't release something by Halloween.


I'm keeping my eye out tonight, Fridays seem like the time for this kinda thing. I agree with you though. If not on Halloween maybe sometime soon after.
