MovieChat Forums > IT (2017) Discussion > Can people stop hating Finn?

Can people stop hating Finn?

I have seen some hatred on Instagram, specifically from IT fans against Finn Wolfhard. He's just a kid, this is not right.


Haven't seen any hate. My daughter, who typically hates horror movies, wants to see this just because of Finn.


Some people are mad at him because people in general aren't giving attention to the other kids or to the movie itself, only for Finn. And also because people are comparing the film with Stranger Things.



You know something funny? After watching Stranger Things, I actually thought "They should put the kid playing Mike Wheeler in the new IT movie as one of the Losers." And then I found out he had been cast as Richie. That made me that much more eager to see the film. I think he'll play a great Trashmouth.

"Stay Bloody!" - Seth from Blood Puddle Reviews


He'll be the best Trashmouth ever. He loves swearing


I did see a video where he admits "Richie swears in the film as much as ... A LOT." Which is good. Obviously the miniseries couldn't have the characters cuss much (short of a few "Damns" and one "Bastard") so I was hoping this Richie would be De Trashmouth he is in the book.

"Stay Bloody!" - Seth from Blood Puddle Reviews


This is literally all I ever see you post. haha I don't mean it nasty or anything, I just kinda find it funny that I knew it was you.

~Stop Now Before I Kill You All.A Word To The Wise From Your Friend Pennywise~




I might not like aspects of this production, but Finn as Richie is something I'm totally 100% behind. The dude was awesome in Stranger Things and I could only imagine he'll be awesome in this movie as well!


The kid has talent and a great career in acting. Trust me, there's going to be a huge difference in character between Mike Wheeler and Richie.


Your obsession is creepy.


He kinda looks like Shelley Duvall, circa The Shining, in some parts of Stranger Things. And I'm sure, younger people that may see this, will say "hey they ripped off Stranger Things". LOL

Not realizing, that the makers of Stranger Things ripped off It, after being denied making this movie.


My god, he is indeed Shelley's secret son!


It seems that people can't. Don't you have children or younger siblings? Talking bad things about a kid?

