"The Butcher"?

Not listed in the cast as "Butcher", but The Butcher.

One of the new manifestations?


Probably some local spooky legend that scared one of the Losers. The Butcher might be Derry's Boogeyman 8aside from Pennywise himself).


I hope so. Butchers are creepy as sh#t.

Let's break down confirmed 'others' vs those from the book:

Eddie - The Leper
Bev - The Sink
Bill - ?
Ben - The mummy (out)
Stan - The Dead Boys
Mike - The Bird
Richie - Naked Woman

Could be Bill's, or Ben's (tying in with obesity), or as you mentioned, maybe an all-encompassing entity.

I dunno I kind of like the compartmentalization of the individual 'fears'. Gave them their own individuality.


I guess Bill's encounter(s) with It will be the same as in the book: first with Georgie's picture winking, and then as the clown at the house in Neibolt st.

I'm afraid we won't see Mike's bird, as it would take a lot of cgi the low budget cannot afford. I still hope to see Mike being chased by the giant bird, though.

Where did that rumor about It appearing to Richie as a naked woman come from? I remember form the book that, when the Losers enter the house of Neibolt st., Ben sees a young woman from a magazine winking and making obsene moves at him, and that woman turned out to be Bev's Mrs. Kersh. But I don't know what they'll do with "Judith". I like the idea of turning It into a succubus.


Re: the naked woman, it was leaked fairly early on. Don't know if it's true but it almost seems too random to not be.

Don't think Mike's bird will appear either, which is a damn shame. It's a great, compelling action scene. It wounded, angry, crawling down the pipe towards Mike? Awesome.


It's a great, compelling action scene. It wounded, angry, crawling down the pipe towards Mike? Awesome.

I coulnd't agree more.

By the way, how do you think the battle at the house of Neibolt st. be like? Will we just see Pennywise? Or Judith? Or both? The werewolf, just like the mummy, won't be on this.


My fear is that they will see these random entities throughout the film, and in the end, once they enter Neibolt, they split up, and have to face them all down individually. Which would be lame, typical haunted house bulls#it.

I'm a super-positive guy, and couldn't look forward to this movie more (sounds sad but it's become a new reason for living), but I'm beginning to think it's not going to live up to our wildest dreams.

Sounds like:

- Bully stuff, entities (first act)
- Friendship grows, more entities, The Barrens - Barrens will include a swimming scene (2nd act)
- The Leper and Neibolt (third act)


Naked woman? Is that a reference to The Shining?


I think in the movie it could be Ben's manifestation for being called pig/fatboy by Bowers and others.


Maybe it's a killer that gets framed as the person killing children or something


Maybe it's Mike's monster, a demonic version of Butch Bowers?


That's kind of cool. Butch 'The Butcher' Bowers. It's been confirmed he's a cop now, but maybe he's nicknamed The Butcher based on his brutality.


Maybe. But, the way I see it, this butcher might have been an innocent person who was framed by It to make him/her look like a serial killer (similar to what would later happen to Henry, although he's far from being innocent); and then the poeple of Derry made stories about his spirit being still in the city and seeking revenge.


When they were filming in Port Hope there was a butcher shop open


That's what I think. There is a butcher shop featured in this movie. Maybe the butcher isn't important, but one of the towns folk that "looks the other way" when stuff is going down.


Yeah but that's an extra's role. Wouldn't make the cast list.


If you see the butcher come out of the shop and look the other way, he could very well be put int he cast list. Lots of movies list the actors in bit parts, to the point where if you look at the roles, you might not even know who they were. He'll, I've seen cast lists of "Mother" and "Daughter" in movies for scenes where, maybe, they are just two background characters in a scene where, let's say, a stroller is out of control at a park and a mother pulls her young daughter out of the way... and that's it. Hell, "Student" is listed on the cast. You couldn't get more vague that "Student".


Ah. But not The Mother, The Student, The Daughter...


Had a little more time to think about this and I have a theory; maybe it starts off as a normal butcher but slowly reveals itself to be a form of It. Like the Losers walk into the shop, he's chopping up a steak, ribs, etc. But then he pulls out an arm from a hook and starts to chop that up, laughs, and the Losers get scared off.


Some theorize it will be Frank Dunning, who was a butcher, from 11/22/63.

It's important to note that many theorized Frank was under the influence of Pennywise, and the time period and location match.

At most, I think it'd just be a quick nod, though, so I am not sure why it is on the cast list if this were the case.


This was my first thought, it'd be a cool crossover. They could even use the Dunning hammer scene to demonstrate It's evilness
