MovieChat Forums > IT (2017) Discussion > Does anyone here work at a movie theater...

Does anyone here work at a movie theater?

I have a question for anyone that works at a movie theater


I used to- might be able to help?


Ask the question because I'm curious


What is this? A chat room? Just ask the question....

Grant discovered raptor eggs in Jurassic Park


Whats the earliest you used to get movies in while working at the theater? Bc Arrival is coming out soon and some people are speculating that the trailer for the rumored 3rd cloverfield film GOD PARTICLE might be attached with the film, like the trailer preview in front of the film


dude you should really ask this on the 10 Cloverfield Lane reddit. My username on Reddit is Bobb_Grayy and we can talk about this more there


Trailers come separately to the film itself. It will either be on a hard drive (usually they are time locked, but not always) or if the theater still has 35mm then it might come in as early as a couple of days or weeks before, or as late as the morning of. Then it will have to be made into a trailer set which is added onto the front of the film itself. The protectionist (provided they still actually use them in the digital cinema world) will know which ones are coming in and whether they have them. Best bet is to ask the theater themselves.


Or ask in one of the hundreds of movie sites that have this info ahead of time anyway
