MovieChat Forums > IT (2017) Discussion > I just hope Pennywise retains his sense ...

I just hope Pennywise retains his sense of humor.

One of the main things that makes Pennywise my favorite villain in literature is his sadistic sense of humor. The Peppermint Twist line in particular comes to cracked me up when I first read it some twelve years ago and it still makes me snort (very unbecomingly) today whenever I do a re-read.

Anyhow, I'm wondering if the film will ditch the black comedy aspect of the character and give us a Pennywise that is purely dark and frightening. The random dark humor really makes the character IMO, so I'm really hoping that this new Pennywise has a few of the 'demonic Rodney Dangerfield' moments that he has in the book.

Anyone else agree? Or on the other hand is anyone hoping for a more serious Pennywise this time around?


It really hasn't been discussed on the board yet. Yes, indeed. The new Pennywise should be as twisted and sick as the book and the mini-series. The character does feed on children, so should IT scare the sh#t out of them, too. And thoroughly enjoying his-self as he does this. Without It's degenerative humour the character would be very bland, and would be an insult to Stephen King.

"That's it. It bit into his arm-pit. Like It wanted to eat him, man. Like It wanted to eat his heart."


What's the peppermint twist joke? I can't remember, haven't read the book in awhile.


'Tell your friends I am the last of a dying race,' it said, grinning its sunken grin as it staggered and lurched down the proch steps after her. 'The only survivor of a dying planet. I have come to rob all the women...rape all the men...and learn to do the Peppermint Twist!'


I wonder if they'd put his Amos 'n Andy impression in there to taunt Mike. How (in)famous are they with most people who grew up in the 80s?


I agree, hope it's represented more like the book than the mini series though. Always thought the scene where Pennywise was cracking jokes in the library was a bit stupid. Just killed the air of mystery about him/her!


I agree. The whole second half of the mini-series he lost his edge. It got stupid very quickly. I remember being so terrified as a child that I didn't finish watching the second half until I was an adult. I was like, if I had just seen the second half I would have seen how stupid Pennywise was...




I only knew them from the book. I doubt Mike would know who they were.


Anyone have a favorite funny Pennywise moment/line from the book that they want to see in this movie? I use the word 'funny' lightly here because while he (she?) gleefully trolls the *beep* out of those kids even Pennywise's 'just for the lolz' moments are still scary as hell. The sheer randomness of the humor part of that: this thing is going to eat you alive starting with your sanity, but first it wants to know if you have Prince Albert in a can.

Puts a new spin on the whole 'screamingly funny' notion. 8p


The thing I found pretty damn disturbing about the novel, was what actually happened to the children IT caught. Not just that they were mutilated, torn to shreds (even decapitated), but the idea that always ran deeper in my mind is that about the "ordeal" the children (namely children) went through if they were God-damned unlucky to be caught. How scared they must of been? How long it take for them to die? And probably- how incredibly painful was it? I thought that King never really touched based with this - or did he not imply it for some reason. Sure, the dead corpses are mentioned (as to show some sort of proof was needed as to what It's nature is) - but could the new film actually show an It murder scene in full? Like the scene where Edward Corcoran's head was amputated by the C.F.T.B.L.? Something like that? I do know they have slated an R-rating, but would love them to dig deeper into the book in this rather grizzly fashion.

"That's it. It bit into his arm-pit. Like It wanted to eat him, man. Like It wanted to eat his heart."


You realize your description of what you imagined happened to the children is much more terrifying than actually showing it happen? In my opinion, imagination is much more powerful than shoving it in people's faces.

The death of Patrick gives you a pretty good idea of what happens to those who are caught


I respect your theory, in total- let's just hope they finally complete a really good film to respect all (or most) tastes.

"That's it. It bit into his arm-pit. Like It wanted to eat him, man. Like It wanted to eat his heart."


Considering this is from the director of Mama 2013 and Pennywise is played by a Jared Leto clone i doubt it


when u can't get laid and u hate your life so u *beep* on the imdb boards


says the guy who gave the Super Mario Bros movie and Cop and a half both 10s I think its safe to say that you really have no credibility with what constitutes as a good film
