Bev's Haircut

First of all I'm all for Sophia Lillis's hair, but I have a theory about it in the film (that could of course turn out to be false)

I think Beverly will cut her hair to Sophia's natural length during the movie. With the new picture we've seen of Andy with the pictures in the background you can see one called "Hair and Blood" and in it, Bev is crouching on the floor. Of course this could just be the bathroom scene, but then what about the hair?

ALSO Barbara has given a lot of hints that Bev's hair won't be short for the entire movie, but just the majority.

What so you guys think?


I was thinking the same thing when I saw "Hair and Blood"


How did Barbara hint at it? Bev's short hair never bothered me, I kind of like it actually.

Books are a uniquely portable magic. ~Stephen King


I like it too, it's hot in that Dkye-First-Cousin sort of way.


But wasn't all the pre-production photos and such with the actresses hair short?


Yes, but she could have worn a wig for that particular scene. I also think Bowers might have long hair too, that's why Nick is blurring and censoring his face so many of his posts



I don't know the exact picture but someone commented about Bev's hair being short and she said something that implied it wouldn't be short for the entire movie. I love Sophia's hair too! She reminds me of Molly Ringwald in a way, but her hair suits her really nicely


Do you have a link to the pics you're referring to? I haven't seen them yet.

"Stay Bloody!" - Seth from Blood Puddle Reviews


Nevermind, found it.

"Stay Bloody!" - Seth from Blood Puddle Reviews


I swear I keep going back to this image every hour. It's so amazing to finally see *actual shots from the movie* after waiting close to a decade for it :D


Yeah it is! It's so cool to see a couple things definitely confirmed.

"Lovely Mrs. K" has to be Sonia Kaspbrak, as Mrs. Kersh wouldn't show up until part 2.

"What's a Placebo?" clearly shows Eddie with a broken arm and cast on.

Some great stuff is going to be in this adaptation, can't wait!

"Stay Bloody!" - Seth from Blood Puddle Reviews


This is the best teaser so far, I wonder what they have in store for us next
