MovieChat Forums > IT (2017) Discussion > New concept art about something... stran...

New concept art about something... strange

The facebook page published an Image from directors assistants Timothy Visentin's Instagram, that apparently has been taken down afterward.

It shows: a blue print of the sewage, probably given to Bill by his father, and another image that shows... something strage. Apparently it's a tunnel with egyptians simbols.

I have two theories: it could be a 'stretched' corridor in Neibolt street house, or it's a special part of the sewage, near It's nest... where, in the book, things become surreal. This corridor could show a bit of It's story, in replacement of the vision that Richie and Mike had in the book.

My review of IT:


Give it a look, while it's still there:


Remember the part where It tries to drag Bill out to the Deadlights and he travels through corridors of ancient stones? That's what this reminds me of

Also I wonder if this is a shot from the film maybe?


Also I wonder if this is a shot from the film maybe?
That's what I thought...that this is a still from the film rather than concept art? It could be Bill's desk, if you ask me. 😮

Am I dreaming...or do they do a little research into mythology (to a degree) in the novel and refer to Pennywise as a glamour? Perhaps this is a page from a book about such mythology? This and the blueprints of the sewer could be their research into how they can confront / defeat It. 😕

ELPHABA: Eleka Nahmen Nahmen Ah Tum Ah Tum Eleka Nahmen.


Yup, they each split up and do research at the library. Bill talks to his dad who tells him about how Derry's sewers are very large and confusing (that looks like an office, maybe the office of Bill's dad.) And then the Losers have a discussion and Bill decides it's a glamour and Stan says "it's in the sewers" and then they talk about Chüd.


This was posted on instagram months ago. I think to know whether this is a shot from the film or just concept art/a blueprint on Visentin's desk, you'd have to determine if the cassette recorder is his. On one hand, he has posted a picture of it without mentioning #itthemovie: On the other hand, it is a really old vintage thing. Who'd still use one of those? Is it from the (late) 80s?


Definitely a shot from the movie. The map is an old Dungeon and Dragons map. Http://

So is the picture


Ah! Brilliant find...

So that particular adventure (is that right...didn't really play much D&D!?) is entitled: The Tomb of Horrors. Very difficult. An (almost) impossible foe. Very appropriate...

...and this is apparently from the adventure itself:

The mists are silvery and shot through with delicate streamers of golden color. Vision extends only 6'. There is a dim aura of good if detected for. Those who step into the mist must save versus poison or become idiots until they can breathe the clean air above ground under the warm sun. a venture into the dark dank sewers of Derry?

...and I love the fact that the article says this:
Chock full of spiked pits and other assorted death traps, dead-ends and false finishes, and a final encounter against a nearly invulnerable creature...
So this particular venture certainly appears to reflect that of the Losers... 😮

ELPHABA: Eleka Nahmen Nahmen Ah Tum Ah Tum Eleka Nahmen.


This is very interesting. I like it so far.

Also, a gigantic spider fits into D&D stuff very well


Oh, that's interesting. The same map that's featured in Ready Player One. And after the walkie talkies another added element to the story coincidentally in common with Stranger Things.


I was thinking that there's way too many similarities to Stranger Things to be coincidental but then I remembered the script was written waaay before that show even existed, I think


I'm concerned about the similarities too.

WE know that this version of IT was written before Stranger Things, but audiences don't care about that stuff. They'll consider it a ripoff, especially with Stranger Things Season 2 airing two months ahead of IT's release.


Very true. Hopefully some people will think it's more of a reference or something
