MovieChat Forums > IT (2017) Discussion > OTish: Something my cousin said.

OTish: Something my cousin said.

I was having a few beers and a few smokes last night with my cousin. We were talking about all those clowns (they've made there way to my little English city lol) He was on about the local papers front page. It had a Clown on the front in some random place, somewhere outside of town I think. Now, bearing in mind he has no idea about IT (all he knows about is the mini series, he is definitely not a reader of books) He said something like this...

"Have you seen what's gonna be on the front page in paper tomorrow?" I say nah man, what is it? I know it's something to do with clowns, but no idea what. He says "It's a Clown, but I reckon it's been photoshopped because everyone else in the picture had a shadow, but the Clown didn't"

When he said it kinda actually freaked me out. gave me chills. because as we all know, our Pennywise doesn't cast a shadow. It was weird and ironic that he said that. just thought I'd share it.

~Stop Now Before I Kill You All.A Word To The Wise From Your Friend Pennywise~


Haha! Definitely creepy... 😨

...and same here! They've reached my little English town. Actually, they've been here for a while...but I have to admit that incidents have increased (and worsened!). But yeah...I recently asked my boyfriend if he saw the clown waving at me from the car that passed us. He merely looked at me with sympathy, and said...okay, hun. Let's go home... 😖

...but then he has always wondered why I NEVER EVER allow my hair to dangle anywhere near the plughole in the bathroom sink! 😱

ELPHABA: Eleka Nahmen Nahmen Ah Tum Ah Tum Eleka Nahmen.


Lol that's weird as *beep*.
