Trailer Release

Anyone know when the trailer release will be?


Nope. Some people thought for the teaser to be released in front of The Dark Tower (another S.K. adaptation) in February which I can see that happening but who knows.


It'd be great if that were the case, though I feel like short of a quick teaser, February is still a bit early for a full trailer to appear.

Honestly though, I think the less they show of the film before it's release, the better. I loved growing up in a time where a trailer was 30 seconds, maybe a minute long and gave just enough to tease you of whats to come... and that's all we got. If we wanted more, we'd have to wait to see the movie when it came out. Rather than the trend now days of giving away the entire plot and even sneaking in the last shot of the film into the trailer.

Given IT is a story that most of us already know well, from the book or even from the miniseries, I'm sort of hoping to be surprised and dare I say even get a few scares from it. Something more than just the modern *jump* scare.

"Stay Bloody!" - Seth from Blood Puddle Reviews


That's probably the main feature fans want from the film - the scares.

"That's it. It bit into his arm-pit. Like It wanted to eat him, man. Like It wanted to eat his heart."


It might be early for a "full trailer" but not for a teaser trailer. It's only 8 months it's possible that can happen and it has.



Nevermind, I got you. Feb will be 8 months until the film is released in Sept. Right.

Anyway, I'd rather wait until they've had time to edit the film in post production and get a proper trailer (that hopefully won't give too much away) closer to June or July, than to see one quickly rushed together in the short amount of time they would have had to begin editing since production wrapped.

A quick teaser would be very satisfying and might just get me to actually go see Dark Tower. Though chances are I'd just wait for the teaser to appear on youtube.

"Stay Bloody!" - Seth from Blood Puddle Reviews


I figure the teaser in February in front of The Dark Tower as already stated, trailer 1 maybe in late spring, trailer 2 in June or August and then maybe a 3rd trailer in August.


June or July I mean for Trailer 2.


Maybe July for the Stranger Things release


Yeah that makes sense.


But I also think whenever month SDCC pops up, they can do a panel there. That would be really nice.


Wish I could go to one. They say San Diego always has the best one!


The director just replied to me on Instagram. I wrote that we needed a trailer and he sent me a clock emoji and a folded hands emoji 

Books are a uniquely portable magic. ~Stephen King


Really?! Man that's nice. I'm might give it a try...


probably a teaser with the dark tower then a full trailer with stranger things I was hoping for something this Halloween. but I guess we are getting nothing

"Touchdoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooown Auburn"
