MovieChat Forums > IT (2017) Discussion > I'm happy as long as the cheesey compute...

I'm happy as long as the cheesey computer graphic scares are kept to a minimum.

I only watched Mama a few weeks ago. Yea it was creepy, I liked the dreamy atmospheres in the forest etc etc but the bloody computer graphics ruined the whole thing. It was way over the top to be in any way good. Stupic computer graphics are a pet peeve of mine. I know some will obviously have to be used but as long as they are done tastefully and kept to a minimum, I will really enjoy this movie. I love this book and SK in general, so I hope they dont butcher it


CGI can be extremely effective. Look at Shelob in Lord of the Rings. That giant spider is an excellent example of good CGI effects.

But if they try to take shortcuts, or use big puppets, the film will suffer.

I intend to live forever.
So far, so good.


Agreed. Ive never seen Mama but CGI never fails to take me out of a horror movie. It isn't scary and they need to cut it the hell out.


The only places that CGI would be right to use are:

-the spider (we all know how puppets worked the last time lol)

-MAYBE the leeches, but these could be puppets because they're small I guess

-IT turning into orange goop when they wound It


Also the gang bang.


Adult Beverly's cackling witch scene in her old house (the Jesus picture poking it's tounge out at her). Plus they could have the CGI of the old woman actually morphing into a rotting abomination, before other gross stuff. Does anyone want the disgusting incest slurs from the witch in this movie? "I wanted to f#ck you Beverly- Put you in the oven." That stuff.

"That's it. It bit into his arm-pit. Like It wanted to eat him, man. Like It wanter to eat his heart."
