MovieChat Forums > IT (2017) Discussion > For part 2, the scene with the Plymouth

For part 2, the scene with the Plymouth

We all know the part where It provides Henry with a red Plymouth Fury, with Belch's reanimated corpse. Obviously the car won't match the modern timeline for part what vehicle do you want to see replaced? That's if they include this particular scene.


Honestly, I recall that part of the novel being rather dull.


Crazy Henry stumbling around was very boring, but the big fight in the library where IT shows up is creepy and fun


Fun fact: The car that Belch drives Henry in is most likely the possessed car from Christine.


Lol, really? So Pt 2 was a "spinoff/prequel" to Christine?


Don't forget Belch's "crusty" cap that he leaves, and the piece of paper - "A Memo From Pennywise" - displaying each Loser's room no.

"That's it. It bit into his arm-pit. Like It wanted to eat him, man. Like It wanted to eat his heart."


I don't think the scene is particularly necessary to show in a film. But hell, if we had to pick one . . . why not a DeLorean? Despite it not being a car from the era, it is still an iconic image of the 1980s because of Back to the Future.


If not a plymouth fury let it be a volvo 240... That is a evil car...
