MovieChat Forums > IT (2017) Discussion > IT - They All Float - Fan Made Trailer

IT - They All Float - Fan Made Trailer

In anticipation of the new IT trailer - I made one of my own. Huge fan of the book, miniseries and I cannot wait for this movie. I don't know how to make the link clickable - so if any of you know how to, I'd appreciate it! I worked on this for the last couple of months - hope you guys check it out


Solid effort. 6.8/10

Could be a minute shorter. Too much atmosphere in the first half, too much repetition in the second.

Some great visuals and keen instincts though. The Pennywise hand in the sewer scene near the end was so great.

Forget American Horror Story, remember Jaws. Make your choices distinct, and powerful.

Ever see the trailer for Alien?


That was well done but I agree with the other poster, it needs to be shorter.


Wow! You definitely have some very cool and interesting stuff going on there.

It almost watches more like a concept and pitch for your take on directing the film, than it does a trailer for the film. And I don't mean that in a bad way.

I loved a lot of the little touches you put in there, like the original Bullseye slingshot was great!

If anything, I would have left out the mini-series references (though I can see why you put them in) that would be my only complaint. The rest of it actually came together very nicely. Good work

"Stay Bloody!" - Seth from Blood Puddle Reviews


Impressive. I really enjoyed this.

~Stop Now Before I Kill You All.A Word To The Wise From Your Friend Pennywise~


You did a phenomenal job on putting it all together, cannot begin to imagine what you went through in sorting, organizing, synching and composing it. The ungrateful masses will mostly not acknowledge your effort and say thank you so I do it for them. I do agree about trying to shortening it somewhat, it would give it more of 'speechless with fear' aspect to it. Great job putting the rain into it and the hand slithering out at the end is great as well. Maybe a couple of more balloons at the end as well???

Could you give me a hint or the name of the software you composed this with?? I would greatly appreciate it!! Please and Thank You in advance!!


Appreciate it guys! Had a ton of fun making it. Fitzer1 - I use a Canon Power Shot Digital Camera & IMovie


A bit long and drawn out, but overall, great job! Loved it! Hope the new clown is just as creepy as yours :)


Not bad. I liked the low gargling voice during the sink bit in particular.

Play with monkeys, put bananas in hidden places
