MovieChat Forums > IT (2017) Discussion > Box-office predictions?

Box-office predictions?


US opening: 18 M
US total: 45 M


That sounds about right.


Box Office Predictions...

Opening Weekend: 13 million
US Total: 37 million
Worldwide: 48 million

Review predictions...

Critics avg score: 4 out of 10
Audience avg score: 5 out of 10


If you're correct, don't expect a sequel any time soon.
If they market it smart, it could stand to make bank - hot on the heels of Stranger Things, and I definitely think that's the direction they're going to take the promo.
Timing-wise, ST could help this film become a much bigger success, than if it were to have been released last year.
I'm hoping for at least 70 million worldwide, but I'm also not holding my breath.


I mean, if the OP is saying it'll makes 45 million on its opening weekend, then that's a good start and early talks for a sequel. Now, if it's makes 70 million, that's all will be great, 40 million still great for a slated R rated horror film. Lets not forget, The Conjuring made 41 million on its opening weekend and giving how much it made all together at the end of its run, it was slated for a sequel and two years later, we got that. You right, all it takes is good marketing. Market the hell out this film. I also think Stranger Things "could" help that especially with the story and Finn being in the film. I mean, I don't sound rude, I kinda wished these clown sighting news came around the time for the film (no relations to the films marketing) but whatever cuz people would've been speculating that it is and won't take it seriously but with crazy people these days, not sure about the response.
