Jump the Turtle

I have a feeling we will have a new version of the saying "Jump the Shark" after this movie comes out


How can a movie jump the shark?

"Jump the shark" is a phrase that means the point when a great series started to decline after doing something stupid.

A movie can't jump the shark. It can just suck.


Well, Indiana Jones is a great series of movies that started to decline after doing something stupid. It actually coined the phrase "Nuke the fridge."


Crazy, the first time I ever heard the expression 'nuke the fridge' was in Joseph Kahn's Detention.


I stand corrected.


Nah you're probably correct (Detention was made in 2011) I just never realised it was a term outside of that film.


Oh. Gotcha. I never heard of Detention so I figured you were talking about an older book.
