"Box" seats

Short and quick. Who plans to pay extra for "prime" seating when this first film comes out next year? I feel like experiencing the film with style (is there any other way?)

"That's it. It bit into his arm-pit. Like It wanted to eat him, man. Like It wanted to eat his heart."


I only ever watch films at the cinema when really, really important to me. The last time I was at the cinema was 2012...and the next time will (most likely) be for this. So, yeah...I would definitely pay for the luxury to watch this particular film as comfortably as possible. 😊

ELPHABA: Eleka Nahmen Nahmen Ah Tum Ah Tum Eleka Nahmen.


Imagine if this film is on IMAX? I'd pay double to see it ?


The upcoming release of this soon-to-be historical moving art-form has me so wired, I'm going to rent a cinema, not invite anyone else, dress as Tim Curry's Pennywise and smoke cigars from my special movie box. All whilst laughing my jumpsuit ass off and telling refrigerator jokes. You bet your fern.


Well, were getting a 2.35:1 as I've already stated once, which I've mentioned once before. Anyone happy to see a 2.35:1? As the mini-series was 1.33 for TV, I feel if the upcoming movie is surreal, so forth the aspect ratio.

"That's it. It bit into his arm-pit. Like It wanted to eat him, man. Like It wanted to eat his heart."


Not gonna lie; I'll wait for a decent stream unless the reviews/ratings are exceptionally promising.

Play with monkeys, put bananas in hidden places


Cjbark, what is your DEAL?? i can't think of another member on this board more obsessively dedicated to this film than you. There is a new post from you on this board EVERY DAY. what other horror films or films in general are you looking forward to or enjoyed in the past on the level of your passion for this film? You must have some strong opinions on the horror genre?


Oh boy. Here we go.


Won't give you titles, but will tell you names: Argento, Fulci, Romero, Craven, Eli Roth, Lenzi, D'Amato, Franco,Deodato, James Cameron, Coscerrelli, and a few thousand more of others I have passion about. Not obsessed with this, just very excited. I'm just also sick of some horror crap Hollywood is churning out - like that "Paranomal Activity\Blair Witch" crud. Not saying it's bad for people who appreciate this stuff, just "crud" for me. Besides, don't see anymore horror films as acclaimed as this on the horizon, and many other posts apart from mine are about people "being So excited" and "can't wait till next September," "It's gonna be a LONG wait" or "Big", etc. It's just how I express myself, I really don't mean bother anyone. Now here come the trolls and negative feedback! - I imagine.

"That's it. It bit into his arm-pit. Like It wanted to eat him, man. Like It wanted to eat his heart."
