MovieChat Forums > IT (2017) Discussion > Flashbacks to contribute to the plot of ...

Flashbacks to contribute to the plot of the second.

Does anyone think the second film should have flash-backs to the first, much like the mini-series? I imagine if they wanted to do this they would have already shot these scenes in the first, to be used later on.

"That's it. It bit into his arm-pit. Like It wanted to eat him, man. Like It wanted to eat his heart."


Doubtful, but this is one of the aspects of the mini-series I rather enjoyed. From what I can tell the movie is going to tell it in a linear pattern rather than a non-chronological pattern.

Should they have taken that approach, casting would have lasted far longer, as well as having to do some major re-writes to the script and filming. Though, I believe that would have been the right approach, because it was one of the story-telling elements I really liked from the novel.


Flashbacks were not just an aspect of the tv miniseries.... They happened in the book as well.... Do you actually read the books or just Wikipedia them?

Grant discovered raptor eggs in Jurassic Park


Dont't be an a**. Most people don't read books at all anymore, let alone a 1000 page novel.

Not sure how the adults might keep momentum in the second part. Surely it can't be as hysterically bad as part 2 of the mini-series though.


Who doesn't read books? I read about two books a week. I don't watch television, so that leaves me time to read.

I've read IT three times!

I intend to live forever.
So far, so good.


Sure, you read books, but most people don't.


I read a lot too. Lots of people DO read books. Lots more people should.


You assume most people do as you do? Really, "most" people don't read books. 42% of American college students will never read another book after graduating. That's a major slice of the supposedly "educated" and the occurance of reading books is even less-likely with those who didn't attend college.


42%? When was everyone in the world poled for such a statistic?

Grant discovered raptor eggs in Jurassic Park


I know lots of people who read lots of books.

But I will say that anyone who doesn't read books is missing out on a lot.

I intend to live forever.
So far, so good.


I think that statistic is not accurate, and it definitely has not been confirmed or validated by any credible survey or polling organization. The original survey was conducted by the Jenkins Group which is an independent publisher. I would agree that reading books to completion is in decline, but not to that level.


I never said "a lot", I said "most". The stat is an idea. I'm not making a value judgement. Most people don't read books.


I said lots of people do read books, not everyone. No I don't expect everyone to behave as I do. My other half hasn't read a book since school, but I know a lot of people who do read regularly.


Finished the book when I was in high school, thankyou. That's going back a bit.
If I'm a bit "hazy" on some things (but not about your statement, everyone knows the flashbacks in the book), it's only because I've only read it once and it was a LONG time ago. Satisfied Mr. Simpson?

"That's it. It bit into his arm-pit. Like It wanted to eat him, man. Like It wanted to eat his heart."


Gee, maybe IF I WAS ACTUALLY REPLYING TO YOUR POST. Better luck next time, CJ.

Grant discovered raptor eggs in Jurassic Park


That's nice. ☺Now would you like some sh*t with your tea?

"That's it. It bit into his arm-pit. Like It wanted to eat him, man. Like It wanted to eat his heart."


I guess... You're the one replying to me with a crappy attitude. At least I know how to read a simple thread.... Are you just looking for a fight or are you truly that idiotic?

Grant discovered raptor eggs in Jurassic Park


Come on Cogonito - I just offered you faeces FOR FREE! No charge! Or have you got so much bullsh#t yourself that it would be impossible to "cram more in." Let me know when you run out so I can serve you more. Me, an idiot? I don't think so last time I checked. And I really don't believe in insults, but for you I can make a special exception for a very talented troll.

"That's it. It bit into his arm-pit. Like It wanted to eat him, man. Like It wanted to eat his heart."


Ah yes, that's me *rolls eyes*

Grant discovered raptor eggs in Jurassic Park


That's a great idea if they use this like The Godfather Part II. I have some hope that this film can be The Godfather of horror movies, but that may be a high reach.

There's definitely no arthritis in this group!


Dolores Claiborne used flashbacks really well. A movie I consider superior to the novel.


I really enjoyed the novel, but I know some people weren't that keen on it. The movie was pretty good too, but it's often overlooked or forgotten about.


I think there will be some flashbacks, but mostly linear. I think I remember reading one of the producers said after both movies are complete they would do an edit (probably for DVD or whatever) where both films are edited together like the book reads. I am curious if they do that how they would portray the Mike Hanlon history of Derry parts. It would be cool with some shots and voiceover.
