
Stephen King usually does a cameo in his adaptations, where do you think he will pop up in this one?


He only does cameos in the ones he worked on as either a producer or screenwriter. So don't expect a cameo in this one

My father was a drunk, a gambler and a womanizer. I idolized him


As the previous poster said, I doubt he'll show up in this film. If he does, however, I'd love to see him play Bill's cab driver when he returns to Derry in Part 2. Also, I'd love to see Tim Curry play old Mr. Keene in part 2


Yeah, I also always wanted to see King as the cabbie. And Curry for old Mr. Keene is also a nice touch

My father was a drunk, a gambler and a womanizer. I idolized him


Personally, I'd like to see King in the "Paul Bunyon morphed into Pennywise" scene. While Pennywise chases Richie, and shouts out "We'll Play alllll the hits!", King could just simply be the father holding and consoling his weeping child. It would display a touch of irony - King being the writer of the book and cameo, because obviously he is the ultimate creator of the IT franchise and most of all him being that close to a child, literally, where his creation (Pennywise) would not be. Welcome to "oppositeland!" Think just a simple cameo like this would make a nice touch. By the way, some people are saying that the Paul Bunyon scene from the book won't be in the film - when I've previously seen pics of the prop statue on set?

"That's it. It bit into his arm-pit. Like It wanted to eat him, man. Like It wanted to eat his heart."
