No Spider ?

As a huge fan of the book (best I've ever read in my life, and I'm only 15 LOL) I think that the spider can be done correctly. I've seen IMDB threads saying that the spider should be repleaced with something different or that the confrontation between IT and the Children should be like the Mini-Series. Saying it should be Pennywise V. Losers and not Spider (IT) V. Losers. I for one think that people shouldn't expect to see a Spider like they had in the TV movie. That Spider was just.... in not even going to waste my time on that. But it's 2016, the director of the movie said he is trying to use prosthetics and things like that, rather than full CGI everywhere. Do I think we should see the Spider? Yes. Do I think they can do it the right way? Yes. They should have a giant 15 foot Spider with black hair and human thigh thick legs built, and should use that to film and add some CGI in the end to " make it look pretty". Don't full CGI the whole thing all the way through. Use CGI on other things like Richies encounter with Paul Bunyan if that is in the film. Or use CGI ( some) for the Ritual Of Chüd which I hope is in the film. I really really am excited for this because this movie is supposed to show that IT isn't just some clown person. Some ghost. The mini-series never touched on it being something otherworldly or a space being like that. They just said that IT had been in Derry for a LONG time. I also hope that Stan has the same encounter with IT as in the book. The Standpipe dead kids. And I would love for Ben to have the same encounter with IT as in the book but I know that they are changing things up. No mummies or werewolfs like that. But I have high hope for this Re-Adaptation... yes I said it, it isn't a remake. Fans of the novel should know that. Also I would love an end credits or mid credit scene. It could show a notebook with the losers names on it with the phone numbers. And show a hand pick up a phone then CUT BLACK.


One of the pictures the director uploaded to Instagram is captioned "itsy bitsy spider" or something, so I think it'll be in. Or it's a red herring


They have to do the spider. It was always such a creepy concept to me.


They should have the spider. The alien made of lights thing, was the only part of the novel, that turned me off. Plus, IT should be pure evil, in this version. I liked the TV version, mainly the kids' part, but the adults seemed to destroy IT too easily.

I laughed at the end, when the spider shows up, none of them looked terrified. It grabs their friend and they just stand around! Then they chase it, and basically pull it apart, like they're eating crab legs! LOL


The spider at the end was ridiculous. I did enjoy it them ripping out its heart but that was it. I really hope they go for the spider in this one and make it really horrifying.


They should do the spider for sure, but I understand not doing it for both confrontations. Seeing the characters "fight" the spider twice would be anticlimactic.

Whores will have their trinkets.


I absolutely agree. I do wish they were doing the Kim so it flipped back and forth between both timelines at the climax, but given that it's split I would like two different types of confrontation.


I think they should handle it the way they did it in the miniseries. Have the kids fight Pennywise, who starts to turn into the Spider as he's retreating, then have the all out confrontation with the Spider in the second movie.
